Page 88 of Play Dead

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Matilda observed her coolly. “Finally, something you and I can agree on.” She shifted her gaze to me. “As I was going to say before I was so rudely interrupted, it’s a clever idea, but Vortigern doesn’t speak the language of intimidation. Neither would I, for that matter. As you said, our best bet is to inflict enough injuries that the hunters are forced to retreat.”

“And hope Vortigern doesn’t find the stag before that happens,” Addison chimed in.

I observed Matilda’s downcast expression. “You’re not a fan of that idea.”

“I dislike the idea of harming the other hunters. Vortigern is the problem. Remove him, and the Wild Hunt returns to its traditional form.” She noticed my smile. “What?”

“Now you sound like me. Admit, it, I’m rubbing off on you.”

She bristled. “I admit no such thing. I am the Night Mallt, Matilda of the Night.”

Addison laughed.

I felt a tapping sensation on my shoulder, as though someone was attempting to get my attention. It took me a moment to realize the ward had been activated.

I cut a quick glance at Ray. “Ward.”

“On it.” He disappeared and materialized beside me a moment later. “Alicia’s here. Should I let her in?”


Matilda looked at me. “What’s happening?”

“Ray’s granddaughter, Alicia, is here. He’s opening the door for her.”

“Won’t that frighten her?”

I snorted. “Have you met Alicia?”

Matilda missed the sarcasm. “No. I have not.”

I heard her voice in the foyer, telling her grandfather about an ‘A’ she received on a math test. I hurried to the refrigerator.

“What are you doing?” Matilda asked.

“Making sure I have a can of whipped cream. Sounds like a celebration is in order.”

“She has you well-trained, I see.”

I craned my neck to look at the Night Mallt. “Small wins deserve to be celebrated.”

“Does she not have family for that?”

“Why do you think she’s here? She’s sharing the good news with her grandfather.” Alicia’s mother would still be at work in the city, and her father lived across the country.

Alicia appeared in the kitchen doorway, along with Ray. I’d already managed to scoop hot cocoa into a mug of milk. I only needed to heat it in the microwave.

Alicia spotted the whipped cream on the counter. “I guess you heard the news.”

I turned to smile at her. “I did. Well done, you.” I inclined my head toward my guest. “This is my friend, Matilda.”

“And I’m Addison.”

Alicia skipped to the table and sat in my vacated chair. “Whose horse is outside?”

Matilda wiggled her knobby fingers.

“Pretty cool ride, but doesn’t your butt get sore?”
