Page 90 of Play Dead

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Matilda glanced at the hand. “I hope you have information for me.”

Alicia’s jaw dropped at the sight of the hand crawling across the counter. “What is that?”

“Claude is a revenant,” I said, as I delivered the mug of hot cocoa to Addison and added the requisite whipped cream.

Alicia couldn’t stop staring at the moving hand. “Like a zombie?”

“Sort of. Revenants are much older, and they don’t want to eat your brains.”

Alicia didn’t move an inch as the hand jumped from the counter to the table and landed in front of Matilda.

Addison scrunched her nose. “How many diseases does he have? Looks like he collects them.”

“No insulting Claude in my house,” I said firmly.

Addison’s gaze flicked to me. “Can I insult him outside?”

Claude began signing with Matilda interpreting. “The hunting party is on the move.”

Alicia’s eyes widened. “I know sign language! Miss Bevins taught us in third grade.”

“This isn’t ASL,” I said. I was familiar with American Sign Language, as well as Claude’s convoluted version.

Alicia’s face drooped. “Too bad. I wanted to see how much I remember.”

Addison slurped her cocoa. “And here I thought The Corporation was a hodgepodge of people. You’re quite the weirdo magnet, Clay, and I include myself in that description.”

Alicia returned to her fascination with the tattoos. “What’s that symbol on your arm? The one with the sun.”

Addison twisted her arm to better view the tattoo. “I got that one in Mexico after a particularly grueling job. I needed a pick-me-up.”

“Tell Alicia she can’t have a tattoo,” Ray said.

“Your grandfather says no tattoos, Alicia.”

“Until I’m eighteen,” Alicia added. “Got it.”

“No caveats,” Ray insisted.

“Are they magical?” Alicia asked.

“A couple are.”

Alicia’s brown eyes sparkled with anticipation. “I want a magical tattoo. What can it do?”

Nana Pratt folded her arms. “See? What did I tell you? A bad influence.”

And here I thought Nana Pratt was coming around.

“Stop this conversation now.” Ray sounded panicked, as though Alicia might run out tomorrow and get a magical tattoo.

Then I remembered this is the girl who summoned a demon to bargain for better dance moves.

“Hey,” I said. “Why don’t we let Claude and Matilda finish their conversation in peace?”

“It’s all right, cariad,” Matilda said. “We’re finished.”

“So am I.” Alicia used her spoon to scrape the last of the hot cocoa from the bottom of the mug.
