Page 68 of Play Dead

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“Explain,” Gun demanded.

“I told him I wanted him to be all in or I was out.” She nodded curtly at me. “He said he couldn’t give me what I wanted, so I ended things.”

“Oh, Cam. I’m sorry. That must’ve been hard to do,” I said.

“Best to know now, so I can move on.”

Gun gave her shoulder a light punch. “He doesn’t deserve you.”

I studied my card. “What does the Ace of Wands tell me?”

She consulted the card. “New beginnings. Personal growth. Unleashing your passion. Embracing new opportunities. Take your pick. I feel like that should be my card.”

“Well, we know Lorelei isn’t unleashing any passion,” Gun remarked.

“How can you be so sure?” I asked.

Gun grunted. “You’re more tightly wound than a yo-yo. Good sex would take care of that, you know.”

“I appreciate that you specified good sex,” Cam told him. “Most men categorize all sex as good because they don’t know any better.”

Gun gave her a pointed look. “Am I most men?”

“These cards seem specific to us,” I said. “What happened to a collective vision?”

“That’s the next step. Right now, I’m clearing the personal energy from the deck,” Cam explained. “Now put them back.”

We tossed our cards on the table, and she reintegrated them with the others so that we couldn’t tell which was which. Once that was done, she passed her hand over the cards, and we chose again. This time Cam and Gun selected different cards, but I still chose the Ace of Wands.

“What are the odds?” I mused.

“Odds have nothing to do with it,” Cam said. “The Ace of Wands is determined to show up for you.”

I shrugged. “New opportunities don’t sound too bad.” Neither did unleashing passion, but I wasn’t about to give Gunther the satisfaction of admitting that.

“We’re interested in the Wild Hunt, remember?” Gun prodded. “Try to clear your mind of the royal demon and maybe we’ll get the answers we’re looking for.”

Cam removed the Ace of Wands and shuffled the remaining cards before spreading them facedown across the table. “Let’s try this again.”

“Stay focused on the Wild Hunt,” Gun cautioned. “Picture well-hung stallions.”

I groaned.

“Now choose,” Cam ordered.

We each took a card.

“The Tower,” I said.

Gun’s eyes widened. “Mine, too.”

Camryn’s breath hitched in her throat. “Mine, too.”

I examined the three identical cards. “How is that possible?”

“It’s possible because I have three Tower cards in the deck.”

“But?” I prompted.
