Page 67 of Play Dead

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“Too incompatible.” Despite his breezy tone, I got the sense he was disappointed by the discovery. He didn’t offer details, and I didn’t push for any.

“I’d like to see if the tarot cards can tell us anything about our future with the Wild Hunt.” Just because Phaedra hadn’t glimpsed anything helpful didn’t mean Cam wouldn’t. Different species. Different methods.

Gun nodded. “Cam is better suited to that particular request.”

I smiled at him. “That’s why you suggested we drive over there this morning.”

“Here,” he corrected, as he pulled into her driveway. “Drive over here.”

Camryn’s house was like a winter wonderland—all white and shiny with a hint of magic. It was basically the antithesis of the Castle.

The mage stood at the open door when we arrived and ushered us inside. She was dressed like a sunflower in a gold top and green pants. Yet somehow, I was the sartorial problem.

Gun hugged himself as he entered. “It’s freezing in here.”

“Then throw on a layer.”

He regarded the hall closet with interest. “Any cashmere?”

“Always.” She bounced to the closet and retrieved a dark purple cashmere sweater, which Gunther promptly pulled over his head. It was a perfect fit.

Gun must’ve had the same thought because he narrowed his eyes at his cousin. “Did I leave this here last winter?”

Cam smiled. “You might have.” She swiveled toward me. “Would you like one of my sweaters? Yours looks thin. Is it synthetic?”

“I’m used to the chill,” I said. “The Castle doesn’t seem to get above sixty-five.”

“You really need to modernize that heating system,” Gun advised.

“I really need to do a lot of things. The problem is they all cost a small fortune.”

Camryn beckoned us into the living room. “I thought we’d work in here.” She relocated a glass vase filled with white lilies from the coffee table to the nearby console table. “What is it we’re doing?”

“Looking at the near future,” I said.

“Yours, Lorelei?”

“Not necessarily.” I remembered the strange glimpse of my future from the looking glass spell. I wasn’t keen on a repeat performance.

“The Wild Hunt could potentially impact everybody in town,” Gun said. “Pick a focal point and run with it.”

Cam thought for a beat. “Okay, we’ll focus on the three of us.”

“Does it matter where we sit?” I asked. Her white furniture was so pristine, I was almost afraid to use it.

“As close to the table as possible.” She set a selection of tarot cards facedown in the center of the coffee table and inclined her head toward me. “Choose one.”

I pulled the card that was farthest from me. “Ace of Wands.”

Cam nodded to her cousin. “Now you.”

He slid a card from the middle and held it close to his chest. “The Lovers.”

She rolled her eyes. “I swear you hide that one up your sleeve.” She reached for a card and flipped it over. “Queen of Swords.”

Gun sucked the air between his teeth. “I think we know the answer to whether you and Vaughn have a future together.”

“We don’t,” she replied tartly. “He made that clear last night.”
