Page 69 of Play Dead

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Camryn tugged at the collar of her sweater. “But it’s highly unusual. The cards are sending us a strong message.”

“And it’s not a positive one,” Gun said.

“What’s the message?”

“If we’re lucky, sudden change,” he replied. “If we’re not…”

“Disaster, upheaval, chaos—you name it,” Cam said.

That sounded about right for the Wild Hunt.

Gun crooked his finger. Cam nodded, understanding her cousin’s intentions without any elaboration. She collected the trio of cards and closed her eyes. After a moment of soft breathing, she opened her eyes. “Nada.”

Gun took the three cards and did the same. “Nothing.” He passed the cards to me. “Now you try.”

The moment I closed my eyes, an image formed. At first glance, I thought I was standing in an open grave, which set off a series of heart palpitations. As the images gained clarity, I realized that I was in some sort of underground cavern. It had a homey quality to it, though; the space was inhabited. Wherever this was, it was buried deep in the heart of Wild Acres. I felt it in my bones.

I opened my eyes and let the cards fall on the coffee table.

“What did you see?” Cam asked.

I described the underground image.

Gunther grinned. “You’re asking the right people. If you want to put someone six feet under, it’s basically my specialty.”

“I don’t think it was about death or burial. It seemed inhabited.”

He drummed his fingers on the coffee table. “Could be Madame Thea’s place.”

Cam’s eyes lit up. “Ooh, good thinking.”

“Who’s Madame Thea?”

“She runs an underground speakeasy,” he replied.

“In Fairhaven?”

“Right underneath Wild Acres.”

“Why would the cards show me a speakeasy?”

Gun shrugged. “Maybe someone there has information about the Wild Hunt, or maybe it’s advising us to hide underground until the threat passes.”

“I was always told that tarot cards couldn’t actually tell the future. That they’re more about reflection.”

Cam blew a dismissive breath. “That’s because those mages aren’t La Fortuna. We’re in a class by ourselves.”

Gun held out his fist for a celebratory bump from his cousin.

“Is there really nothing the cards can do to stop the hunt from coming?” I asked. “All that power… It seems a waste not to be able to use them for protection at the very least.”

“There’s the House of Cards, but we don’t have every card represented,” Gun said.

“That’s an old wives’ tale anyway,” Cam interrupted.

“What’s the House of Cards?”

Eyes sparkling, Camryn slid forward to the edge of the cushion, as though preparing to share the hottest celebrity gossip instead of information about an ancient magical practice. “According to legends, our ancestors designed a spell so powerful, it could destroy all our enemies in one fell swoop.”
