Page 39 of Play Dead

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The Elvis of Greek gods looked past my shoulder. “You have an incredible house. I’d love to see more.”

“Oh, I’m sure you’ve seen better homes than this, given your impressive pedigree.”

“You’re not going to invite me in, are you?” He sounded resigned.


“Aite rambled on and on that you had to be a rogue goddess. She tried to convince us that you were a danger to our organization, but that she could help bring you into the fold.”


“Why would you protect someone willing to betray you?”

“It’s only betrayal if she owed me her silence, which she didn’t. We weren’t friends.”

He regarded me for a long moment. “You’re a very interesting woman.”

“Is that meant to be one of your compliments? If so, you might want to brush up on your skills. I think there might be a bit of Mathis slipping in there.”

He tried to smother a look of disgust, but not before I glimpsed his reaction.

“Let’s assume Aite is right and you’re a rogue goddess. She mentioned nightmares, but across pantheons, that’s still a reasonably long list of suspects. We know we didn’t create you, so who did?”

I wagged a finger. “Did no one ever teach you about the birds and the bees, Mathis?”

“I’m not talking about Lorelei Clay. I’m talking about whichever goddess you’ve got housed in there with you. Or perhaps not a deity at all but a lesser being? My personal theory is that you’re simply a witch who attempted to hex her during your scuffle.”

“Do you think Aite would tell you the truth?”

He angled his head. “She mentioned the moat.”

“The best lies are sprinkled with the truth. She was desperate to get back into your good graces. She would’ve said anything.”

“Yes, we considered that.”


“And we decided to investigate her claim nonetheless, hence the reason I’m here. We pride ourselves on our thoroughness, Miss Clay. It would be impossible to operate a global organization filled with temperamental deities without paying close attention to details.”

I folded my arms. “And yet you still don’t know who or what I am. If I tell you I’m a sorceress and that I transported your friend to another realm, will you take my word for it and go on your merry way?”

He offered a smile full of mirth. “Alas, no.”

“Didn’t think so.”

He fiddled with his lapel. “Listen, we have no intention of beating the truth out of you. We’re willing to walk away and forget we ever heard your name if you hand over the goddess you’ve got stashed in that fortress of yours.”

Somehow, I doubted that.

My stonewalling forced him to change tacks. “Anyone you miss? A young woman like you, living alone in such a big house. Surely you must have loved ones you’ve lost that you’d give anything to speak to again.”

“Shouldn’t you know? I thought you did your homework.”

“That’s one of the interesting things about you, Miss Clay. There wasn’t much information available, and we typically excel at recovering data. Simply provide us with their names and we can help you reconnect.”

“You have psychics that can connect me with the spirit realm?”

His teeth gleamed. “Even better.”
