Page 38 of Play Dead

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“Maybe I wasn’t home at the time.”

Those dark eyes considered me.

I’ve been lying my whole life, pal. I’m practically a professional.

“Let’s try this again,” he said. “My name is Mathis Dell. I work for The Corporation. I believe you’ve heard of us. My employers have reason to believe you’re harboring someone of great interest to us. A very dangerous someone, I might add. We’d be more than happy to remove the threat.”

“The only thing I’m harboring is a grudge against a guy who is currently wasting my valuable time.”

He laughed. “They weren’t kidding about you.”

His remark gave me pause. “Who?”

“The people I spoke to in town. They mentioned you leaned toward the cantankerous side. To be honest, I expected a much older woman when you answered the door.”

I folded my arms and glared at him. “Tread carefully, Mr. Dell. You’re on dangerous ground.”

“I’m beginning to see that.” He tucked the photo inside his jacket pocket. “Let’s cut through the bullshit, beautiful. You and I are too skilled for this clumsy dance. I’m authorized to negotiate a deal on behalf of The Corporation for the return of Aite, or Melissa, or Addison—whatever new name she’s given you. I should think you’d be happy to oblige, given how willing she was to sacrifice you to save her own ass. She can be quite a handful. Allow me to take her off yours.”

Well, at least we didn’t have to pretend anymore. I felt a sense of relief, despite the dangers this conversation presented.

“And which god are you?” I asked.

His expression relaxed. “Finally. My name is Hedylogos.”

I nodded my appreciation. “They sent a sweet talker first. Nice strategy.”

He grinned. “You catch more flies with honey.”

“Flattery gets you everywhere, I suppose.”

“Today has been a bit of a challenge.” His smile broadened. “Honestly, it’s a refreshing change of pace. Humans are usually too easy. The right compliment and—” Mathis snapped his fingers. “Target acquired.”

“Who were you before you drank the soma?”

His eyebrow arched. “Spilling all our corporate secrets, is she?”

“I already knew. So, who were you? An innocent farm boy just trying to grow his crops and feed his family?”

“Does it matter?”


“Very well then, Mathis Dell was a pathetic loser.”

“A handsome guy like you? I doubt that.”

“No, it’s true. I was poor, uneducated, and my voice sounded like I’d never escaped puberty. The Corporation changed all that.”

“They prey on the weak to make room for the weaker. Got it.”

He laughed. “Weaker? I’m the god of sweet talk and flattery. Mathis has bedded more men and women than he ever dreamed of before I came along.”

“That’s your reason to come back to this world? Persuading people to have sex with you?”

He tugged the hem of his jacket. “Mathis is quite happy with the arrangement; I can assure you.”

“From the sound of it, he ought to be exhausted.”
