Page 40 of Play Dead

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“Better? Wow. Let me guess. The necromancy department?”

He scoffed. “Don’t be ridiculous. We have gods in our stable with the requisite skill set.”

In our stable, like animals.The description nauseated me.

“You’ve lost someone,” he continued. “I can see it in those beautiful eyes of yours. Who was it? A lover?” He examined me closely. “Ah, I see. Mother or father?” He paused, recognition settling in. “Both.”

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t be taking you up on your offer.”

He reached into his pocket. “Here’s my card, for when you change your mind. It’s my direct line. I look forward to hearing from you.”

I glanced at the card. Mathis Dell, Director of Risk Management.

“You won’t.” I closed the door on the hunk of burning god.

Addison poked her head into the foyer. “Is he gone?” she whispered.

“For now.”

“Thank you. I know you don’t owe me anything.”

I sauntered past her and entered the kitchen. “You’re right, I don’t.”

She trailed after me. “Is he still hot? I couldn’t see. He and I had a fling once upon a blue moon. I’d love to know if he’s starting to show his age.”

I glanced at her. “Do you think this is personal for him?”

“Nothing is personal for Mathis. He’s loyal to The Corporation above all else.”

I pivoted to face her. “And you? Who are you loyal to?”

Her chin lifted an inch. “Myself, first and foremost. After that, it depends on which way the wind is blowing.”

I thought about the comments at last night’s guild meeting. “Right now, I’d say the wind is blowing in my favor.”

Slowly, she lowered herself into a chair at the table. “I was wondering when you’d decide to take advantage of the situation.”

“Why don’t you slice me a piece of that cake and we can chat about your former employer?”

Addison complied, bringing two small plates to the table. “Nana Pratt is a good teacher. It’s especially impressive given that I can’t see her or hear a word she says.”

“That is impressive.”

“I’ve worked under more challenging conditions,” she said with a shrug. “This is a piece of cake.” She snort-laughed at her own joke.

“Tell me about The Corporation. Why are they so desperate to get their hands on you?”

“Because I know too much. You don’t want to hear all the things I’ve done for them.”

“That bad?”

She whistled. “All those nightmares you have access to… Make them ten times worse and that was my role in the company.”

“How many avatars do they have?”

“Nobody knows. They keep departments separate from each other. No mingling.”

“Then you and Mathis were in the same department?” Aite didn’t seem like the right goddess for risk management.
