Page 37 of Play Dead

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“You rang?”

“Would you mind seeing who’s here? I don’t recognize the signature.”

His form dissipated and returned a moment later. “A well-dressed gentleman with a very nice head of hair.”

“That describes a few people I know.”

“This isn’t anyone I’ve seen before.”

“Right.” I popped open the trunk at the foot of my bed and retrieved a small dagger. “Where’s Addison?”

“In the kitchen. She and Ingrid are baking a cake.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“I think it’s nice,” he said, somewhat defensively.

“What kind of cake?”

“Looks like red velvet.”

I nodded. “Good choice.”

The doorbell rang. I swung by the kitchen and advised Addison to stay quiet.

The goddess turned to look at me. “Who is it?” she mouthed.

“I’ll let you know in a minute.”

I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth. Then I crossed the foyer to answer the door.

The gentleman caller was, indeed, well dressed if a bit over the top. His suit jacket was trimmed with rhinestones, and his black leather boots sported shiny metal tips at the toes. His eccentric style did nothing to distract from his good looks, however. Dark brown eyes framed by thick lashes. A strong, straight nose. Full lips that hinted at delicious secrets.

“Good afternoon, miss. So sorry to bother you on such a delightful day, but I’m looking for someone. You might know her as Addison Gray.”

“I don’t know anyone by that name. Are you going door-to-door? Doesn’t seem like the most effective method.”

He flashed a brilliant smile that suggested expensive veneers. “Maybe a photo will help.” He produced a 3 x 5 photograph from his inside jacket pocket and held it out for inspection. Addison’s face stared back at me. The twinkle in her eye hinted at the goddess within.

“Sorry, she doesn’t look familiar. Are you a cop or something?”

He chuckled. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t make a very good policeman.”

“Why not?”

“Not a fan of other people’s rules.”

“Yes, I got that impression from your fashion choices.”

His toothy smile remained intact. “Are you sure you haven’t seen her? Because I met a nice man in town, chatty fellow, and he recalled seeing this woman entering through the gate of this very house.”

“What man? I don’t have any close neighbors.”

“He was on his daily run. Apparently, he runs five miles every day, no matter the weather.”

“Five miles in Fairhaven, huh? He must circle the town more than once.” I pretended to study the photo again. “I think your runner friend was mistaken. If this woman came to my door, I didn’t answer it.”

“Why not? You answered for me.”
