Page 28 of Play Dead

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“I would appreciate that.” I retreated inside the house and shut the door behind me. Blissful silence followed. No sign of Nana Pratt or Claude. Peace at last.

“All clear?” Kane asked, when I returned to my place at the table.


“Good. New rule. Food first. Business later. I’ll enjoy this meal more if we save unpleasant topics until afterward.”

“What makes you think it’s unpleasant?”

He gave me a pointed look. “You’re calling upon a group of professional killers. I don’t think it takes a genius to know it isn’t about a local food drive.”

“Fair enough.”

We ate slowly, savoring the wine and each other’s company. I was enjoying myself so much, in fact, that the primary reason for the dinner invitation nearly slipped my mind.

After the plates were cleared away, we retreated into the parlor room with another round of wine. He settled on the sofa, and I took the wingback chair.

He rubbed his thighs. “On to business, I suppose.”

“If you don’t mind.”

“Who’s the unwelcome visitor? More avatars from The Corporation?”

I told him about the Wild Hunt.

“I see. What kind of assistance are you hoping to receive from the guild? You know the rules. They can’t kill within the town borders.”

“I’m not asking them to kill. I’d like them to use their considerable talents for deterrence.”

“Why not ask Gunther and Camryn directly?”

“Because we need a team, and this is an issue that has the potential to negatively impact the whole town.”

His fingers tightened around the stem of the glass. “Is this Vortigern after you?”

“No, his spies tracked Matilda here. He doesn’t know why she’s been here multiple times, only that she has, and that Wild Acres seems like a desirable place to run amok.”

Kane tapped his fingers on the arm of the sofa, thinking. “You’re welcome to launch your appeal at tonight’s meeting, but remember your standing. You might want to address that part first; get ahead of it.”

‘My standing’ was a polite way of saying the guild had identified me as an official threat due to my inner goddess.

“You want me to remind them of my secrets and lies just before I ask for their help?”

“Yes. It will show them they can trust you. You’re a powerful goddess who’s in their corner and wants to protect the town as much as they do.”

His idea had merit. “I’ll consider it.”

“Well, consider it quickly because the meeting is in…” He consulted his watch. “Two hours.” His fingers were a blur as they moved across his phone screen. “Group text sent. I’ve made it mandatory for anyone within a two-hour range of Fairhaven.”

“Will there be enough for a quorum?”

He gave me an appraising look. “You pay attention.”


“As far as I know, there should be. Two members are traveling on business, but everyone else should be present and accounted for.”

“Anything specific I need to know before the meeting?”
