Page 29 of Play Dead

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“You’ve attended one before. It won’t be much different.”

“Give Josie a heads up that I’m coming. Otherwise, she might find an excuse to keep me out.” Kane’s right hand and director of security was a vampire named Josephine Banks. Josie liked me as much as I liked kale smoothies.

“Josephine is under strict instructions to allow you access to me at any time for any reason.”

I blanched. “Really? How’d she take it?”

“She’s loyal to a fault and will do as she’s told. I’ll leave it at that.”

I tilted my head. “What it’s like?”


“Instilling that kind of loyalty. Dantalion braved the pits of hell to rescue you. Josie tolerates my presence even though it’s clear she despises me. Sunny would burn down Wild Acres to save you. What did you do for them to make them feel so committed to you? Is there a contract written in blood somewhere?” I was only half joking.

He leaned forward so that his face was mere inches from mine. “You tell me, Lorelei. What have I done that made you want to commit to me?”

“I’m not sure I’d use the word ‘commit.’”

“No? Do you intend to see anyone else during our courtship?”

I bit the inside of my cheek to stop myself from laughing at the archaic term. “No, I don’t. Do you intend to see anyone else?”

His eyes burned with unspoken promises. “Not at all. You, Lorelei Clay, are the only one I’m interested in.” His head lowered and his soft lips ghosted mine. “I think that qualifies as a commitment.”

His mouth tasted too good to argue with it. “I stand corrected.”

“I’d much rather have you lying down, but whatever works for you.”

Uncensored images flashed in my mind, causing my body temperature to spike. I had to pump the brakes before I succumbed. Now wasn’t the right time.

It took a surge of inner strength to break the tension building between us. I shot to my feet. “I should clean up the kitchen.”

Kane took the shift in stride. “Allow me. You cooked.”

We left the cozy warmth of the parlor room and returned to the harsh glare of the kitchen lights.

“Would you mind background music?” he asked. “I like to listen while I work.”

He was acknowledging my uneasy relationship with music without making an issue of it. No matter what he claimed, he was definitely more prince than demon.

“Any particular songs?” I asked.

He set his phone on the counter and hit play. A disco beat began, followed by Barry White’s smooth voice. ‘Let the Music Play.’

Memories of my grandparents stirred. Their kitchen. Their hips bumping side to side. My grandmother’s eyes soft and dreamy.

I smiled. “Great choice.”

We worked as a team. He washed. I dried. I listened as he hummed along to Barry’s greatest hits. It felt like home.

I didn’t want this moment to end.

“Shall we go together?” Kane asked, disrupting my thoughts.

“You go ahead, and I’ll see you there.”

“Are you certain? I’ll drive you home later if that’s your concern.”
