Page 27 of Play Dead

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Addison skidded across the foyer and grabbed her brown suede jacket off the coat rack. “Ready!”

Anna looked her up and down. “Nice tattoos. The snake is awesome.”

Addison observed the large snake tattoo along her arm. “Thanks. That one was a bitch to clean up after. It bled for days.”

“Sounds painful,” Anna said.

“It was for them.”

“Them?” Anna queried.

“I had to soak it in the blood of my enemies to imbue it with magic,” she said, as she casually slipped her arms through the sleeves of the jacket.

Anna shot me a questioning look.

“Have fun,” I said brightly.

“What time would you like her brought home?” Bert asked.

“Not before two.”

Bert glanced at his wristwatch. “It’s already four.”

“In the morning,” I clarified.

“Past midnight will cost extra,” Anna said, ever the shrewd negotiator.

“Tell West to put it on my bill.”

Addison zipped up her jacket. “Where are we going? A nightclub? I love to dance.”

“It’s game night at the trailer park,” Paulie told her.

Addison’s face brightened. “Is there money involved?”

Bert grinned. “Always.”

Addison blew me a kiss. “Toodles. Don’t wait up.” She hopped off the porch ahead of them.

I continued to stand on the porch, watching them until they disappeared from sight.

“You look worried,” Ray’s voice cut into my thoughts.

“I am worried.” Thanks to the Wild Hunt and The Corporation, an uneasy feeling had taken root.

“She isn’t your responsibility.”

“She wasn’t, but she is now.” The moment I let her inside my home, she became my responsibility. She might not have figured out who I was, but Addison recognized a sucker when she saw one.

“The wolf pack will look after her.” Ray’s voice brimmed with confidence. “West will have their hides if they don’t.”

“What makes you think he cares?”

“He owes you for helping him defeat the alpha from his old pack, and Weston Davies is a man who takes his debts seriously.”

“Let’s hope so.”

“Should I stay outside?” Ray asked.
