Page 26 of Play Dead

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“You want me to be rude to your friend?”

“No, but you should maintain an intimidating air, in case we need to weaponize you.”

Kane held up a bottle of blue cheese dressing. “This one or the vinaigrette?”

I swiped the bottle from his outstretched hand. “You’re not helping.” I twisted off the lid. “But I prefer blue cheese with steak.” I turned to Claude. “Tell Matilda we’re all good here. Thank you.”

The hand skittered out the window and closed it again.

Kane and I sat at the table like the two grownups we were.

“You’re radiant,” he said.

“I need a favor,” I blurted. Very smooth, Clay.

He frowned. “What kind of favor?”

“I’d like you to convene an emergency guild meeting tonight, and I’d like to attend.”

His fork stopped midmotion. “You want me to call a meeting that takes place tonight?”


Kane kept his cool as he proceeded to slice his meat. “May I ask why?”

“Fairhaven is expecting an unwelcome visitor. I’d like to request the guild’s help in minimizing the disturbance.”

He set down his fork. “I see. You invited me to dinner in your home to discuss business.”

His disappointment triggered a pang of guilt. “Not only to discuss business.”

He picked up his fork. “I’m listening.”

“I’m listening, too,” Addison’s voice called. “The racier, the better. I miss my smexy audiobook collection.”

Kane’s smile evaporated. “Your guest is still here.”

“Sorry,” I said. “My babysitters are late.”

“Is there somewhere we can continue our conversation in private?” He emphasized “in private” loud enough for Addison to hear.

A gentle scratch traveled up my arm.

“Absolutely. Back in a minute. Enjoy the wine.” I hurried to the front door to welcome my saviors.

Anna Dupree stood on the porch, looking as surly as ever in an AC/DC T-shirt, a leather jacket, and ripped jeans. To her right was the werewolf I’d dubbed Beefy Bert and to her left was his bestie, Paulie.

“Sorry we’re late,” Anna said. “We were halfway here when we realized we should probably drive, so had to go back for a set of wheels.”

“Definitely don’t have her out in the open. Nowhere with security cameras.”

Anna gave a curt nod. “Got it.”

I called Addison to the door. “And she’s a bit of a troublemaker. Keep her close.”

“Don’t worry. We’re experts when it comes to troublemakers,” Anna said.

“That’s why I called you.” I would’ve called Gun and Cam, but they needed to be at the meeting I hoped to convene. I knew from the bylaws that a quorum was required for any vote.
