Page 25 of Play Dead

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I rushed downstairs and arrived at the door before Kane. I admired his long, easy strides as he approached the porch. A blue overcoat hung perfectly on his six-foot-four frame. The soft waves of his dark blond hair suggested an angel in the streets, but those whisky-colored eyes promised a demon in the sheets.

My knees may have wobbled a little.

“I’m glad you called,” he said. “I’ve missed you.”

I wanted to say the same, but the words refused to form. “Come in,” I said instead. “I hope you like steak.” I silently thanked Nana Pratt for directing me to the section of the grocery store with the daily deals on meat on the verge of expiration. I’d snagged the last discounted packet without any bloodshed.

The demon prince of hell stepped across the threshold and shrugged off his coat. I breathed in his scent of musk, sandalwood, and pine.

“What’s the occasion?” he asked.


He gave me a searching look. “You have guests, presumably.”

I picked up on his train of thought. “This isn’t sexy talk. I have actual steak, and I skipped lunch, so I’m hungry.”

“Glad we cleared that up.” Kane passed the parlor room, stopped, and backed up to the doorway.

Inwardly I groaned. “You saw the sofa.”

“I did, indeed. It would look right at home in the Devil’s Playground.”

I arched an eyebrow. “Is that a compliment?”

“Of course. It’s my club.”

“Gun thinks it’s trashy.”

“He showed up for dinner? Good for him. How did your conversation go?”

“Great. Cam knows too.”

“How does it feel?”

“Better,” I admitted.

We continued to the kitchen where the steaks were seasoned and ready to broil.

I nodded toward the cabinet. “Wine?”

He produced a bottle, seemingly out of thin air. “I thought you might appreciate this. It’s an organic Malbec with notes of blueberry.”

Butterflies stirred in my stomach as I accepted the bottle. The prince of hell had committed my love of organic blueberries to memory. They were basically my avocado toast.

“Would you mind getting the salad out of the fridge?” I asked.

Kane tossed the salad while I broiled the steaks. The domestic moment was shattered by the arrival of Claude. The revenant opened the window above the sink and crawled inside.

“What are you doing here?” I hissed.

Checking on you, he signed.

“As you can see, I’m fine. Kane and I are about to enjoy a private meal.”

Kane waved. “Nice to see you again, Claude.”

The demon wasn’t helping. “Don’t be too welcoming.”
