Page 130 of Play Dead

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I raised my sword and rushed him, but the weapon seemed to have no effect. He charged past me without acknowledgement.

“So much for repelling him,” I muttered.

“He’s grown stronger since we last met,” Matilda said matter-of-factly.

“You don’t sound too concerned.”

She sniffed the air. “Do you smell that?”

“Pine?” I asked.

A smile blossomed. “Death.” She kicked her heels against the mare’s sides and stormed after him.

Addison looked at me. “What now?”

I tossed her one of my daggers and she caught it by the handle. “If you insist on being here, at least have a useful weapon.”

“What’s wrong with the staff? I can use it to knock them off their horses. That makes them easier to injure, right?” She smiled. “See? I pay attention.”

Gun’s voice echoed in my ear. “Tell Miss Mischief to head our way. We could use an extra set of hands near the Falls.”

“What’s happening?”

“I’m trying to use my cards to knock riders to the ground so that Cam can attack, but it’s more challenging than I expected. Theirs thighs must be incredibly powerful.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. “Stop thinking about their powerful thighs.” I turned to Addison. “You’re needed at the Falls.”

Addison yipped with joy and bolted left.

“What’s your position, Kane?” I asked.

“I would think you already know the answer to that,” he replied, his voice whisky smooth.

I winced. “A gentle reminder that this is a party line.”

Gun’s laughter reverberated in my ear. I promptly turned off the earpiece as a horse and rider cantered toward me. His boots were so worn, they were practically falling off his feet.

I gave him a friendly wave. “How’s it going? Find any game yet?”

His face clouded over. “Not as of yet, but I will.”

“What makes you so confident?”

He spat on the ground. “I know how animals behave. Wild Acres. Wentwood Forest. Galloway Forest. The location is irrelevant. All animals need water. I watch your water sources long enough and I’m bound to find one of them. Hopefully that nice stag.”

“Wild Acres has multiple bodies of water. How do you expect to watch them all at the same time?”

He sneered. “I have a method.”

“In case you haven’t found it yet, there’s a fantastic waterfall not far from here. I’d suggest starting there. The energy it generates is extremely powerful.”

His squint was filled with suspicion. “Why are you helping me?”

“Oh, I’m not. As soon as you turned your back, I was going to knock you off your horse and steal it.”

The hunter roared with laughter. “Aren’t you an adorable little thing?

Kane stepped out from behind a tree, surprising both of us. “Aw, thanks, but you’re not my type. I prefer someone with a deeper scowl and far less scruples.”
