Page 131 of Play Dead

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The scout’s bushy eyebrows lifted as he assessed the rising threat level. “You’re a demon.”

Kane tsked him. “You say that like it’s a bad thing. What’s your name?”

The hunter hesitated.

“Come on, son. Your name,” Kane insisted. “Surely you know it.”

“‘Course I know my own name, but I won’t be giving it to you just so you can use it to hex me.”

Kane recoiled in mock horror. “Hex you? Do you know anything about demons? We don’t hex.”

“They don’t hex,” I agreed.

The horse’s tail began to swish as he picked up on his rider’s discomfort. “The name’s Zachary.”

Kane’s mouth eased into a smile. “There. That wasn’t so hard, was it? Listen up, Zachary. My name is Kane Sullivan, former prince of hell, current resident of Fairhaven, and you’re trespassing on my territory.”

“And mine,” I added. “Lorelei Clay. Those crossroads you came through to get here… I’m the unofficial guardian.”

Zachary regained his composure. “I think you’ll find the master of the hunt isn’t too bothered by claims of ownership. He doesn’t intend to stay. Once he gets what he wants, he’ll leave.”

I folded my arms. “The way he’s left other territories in absolute devastation? No thanks.”

Shame flooded Zachary’s round face. “How do you know about that?”

“That’s what happens when you carve out a reputation for yourself,” Kane said. “It precedes you.”

“You seem like a reasonable guy, Zach,” I said. “Someone with a deep respect for the land. We don’t want to hurt you or anyone else in your party, but we’ll do whatever it takes to keep you from destroying Wild Acres.”

Zachary grunted. “If you think Vortigern would be scared off by an idle threat, then I guess his reputation doesn’t precede him after all.” He shot Kane a triumphant look.

“That isn’t the boast you think it is,” Kane remarked.

Zachary bit his lip, confused. “Unless you intend to kill me, you should get out of my way.”

Kane glanced at me. “Go on. Do your thing.”

“The weapons don’t seem to have any effect.”

“Not that thing.”

I returned his glance. “Which thing?”

He held up his hand and wiggled his fingers.

“You want me to massage him?”

Kane rolled his eyes. “Are you being deliberately obtuse?”

Zachary nudged his horse forward.

I moved to block their path, causing the horse to rear up. Zachary gripped the reins for dear life.

“That thing,” Kane said.

“I don’t see what my hands have to do with this.” There was no need to touch the horse in order to frighten it. I only needed to get close enough for it to scent me.

The horse skittered backward in an effort to escape me.
