Page 129 of Play Dead

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“Since the boar has a god trapped inside it. Kill the boar and claim the god’s power. Easy peasy.”

Alan and Colm exchanged glances. “A god’s power has got to be worth more than a plain old stag,” Alan said.

“Vortigern would reward us well,” another hunter chimed in.

“I spotted it about half a mile from here.” She pointed south. “I’d hurry if I were you. As my dad always said, if you’re not first, you might as well be last.”

Half the hunters took off. The other half remained in the clearing.

Addison blew me a kiss. “You’re welcome.”

It had to be a ruse. I hoped to the gods she didn’t really know something about that boar that I didn’t.

Thunder rolled across the sky. The sound of hoofbeats pounded in time with my beating heart. Lightning cracked overhead.

A large black stallion cut through the ranks. Fire flashed in its eyes, promising fury and fear. The horse looked similar to Matilda’s, except for the whip marks on its muzzle.

Matilda maneuvered her mare in front of me.

The man on the stallion smiled in recognition. “Well, well. What do we have here? I believe you were put out to pasture, Matilda. The hunt is no place for you now.”

“You know perfectly well that I frequent these woods. I am the only reason you’ve decided to leave your stench here.”

He peered down at her. “Be gone, Night Mallt. We do not come here to hunt you, but we will kill you should you choose to interfere.”

“Try and you will fail spectacularly.”

A scowl marred his already twisted features. “I can see you have caused enough trouble.” His gaze landed on the druid’s head. “And Malcolm failed to return with the other scouts. I assume that was your doing as well.”

Matilda raised her chin a fraction. “He was merely injured. He will recover soon enough, but you should know I took no pleasure in it.”

Vortigern offered a half-hearted shrug. “It simply means more bounty for the rest of us. Now, remove yourselves from my path. My scouts told me where I can expect to find the best game.” He whistled sharply and waited. Finally, he cast a suspicious glance at Matilda. “Where are my hounds?”

“I haven’t the slightest notion. Shouldn’t they be at your side? Or perhaps you haven’t proven yourself a worthy leader?”

The muscles in Vortigern’s neck strained. “I’ll only ask you one more time, crone. Where are my hounds?”

“Not to worry. They’re safe. Unlike you, I would never harm the creatures that ride with me.”

Hatred radiated from every pore of his body. “That doesn’t answer my question, Night Mallt.”

“If you’re such a skilled hunter, you should be capable of finding your own hounds,” Addison taunted.

Vortigern glanced at his cohorts. “Find my hounds,” he ordered. “And do not return to me until you do.”

The other riders scattered.

Addison waved a hand after them. “Aren’t you going to try to stop them?”

I didn’t want to reveal that our team was currently spread out in the woods with their weapons brandished, waiting to ambush the hunters.

Vortigern laughed at her. “I welcome you to try, pretty lady.” He shifted his attention back to Matilda. “Out of my way, crone. I have no qualms about trampling you.”

“You know it would take more than that to kill me.”

He sneered. “Who said anything about killing you when I would get more of a thrill from inflicting pain?”

What a charmer.
