Page 11 of Play Dead

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He popped to his feet. “That’ll do.”

The ward activated as we entered the kitchen, sending a light tickle down my arm. “Cam’s here,” I announced. The sensation suggested that either Gun didn’t share his experience at Bone Lake, or she didn’t care.

Gun planted himself in the nearest chair. “Delightful.”

My nerves tingled as I crossed the foyer. I adopted my friendliest smile and opened the door. “Hey, Cam.”

“Hey, yourself.” She waltzed into the house with a bright smile. Nothing about her demeanor suggested discomfort or disappointment. “I saw Gun’s car outside. Is he in the kitchen?”

“Yes. I’m surprised the two of you didn’t come together.”

“I had to come straight from an appointment with my shamans. I’m staying in a hotel next week that I haven’t visited before. We needed to prep.”

Camryn’s first visit to the Castle had involved shamans and more sage than a wise man convention. The petite mage had very exacting standards.

She practically screeched to a halt outside the parlor room. “Great gods above. Is that a red leather sofa?”

“It is.”

She stepped fully into the room and stood in silence for a minute. “You know what? I think it works in a room as big as this one. A few well-placed accessories and you’ve got yourself a room with style.”

“Thanks, Cam. I appreciate that.”

She looked at me sideways. “Gun hated it, didn’t he?”

“Very much. I expected you would, too.” Camryn’s house looked like the heart of a blizzard. Anything that wasn’t white was a shade of off-white or gleamed like icicles.

“I wouldn’t like it for my house, but for the Castle… Yes, it absolutely works. Your artwork looks good too. The red in that Klimt print ties everything together.”

My spirits lifted. We were off to a promising start.

By the time we entered the kitchen, Gunther had uncorked a bottle of wine and set three full glasses on the table.

“Thanks,” I said. “Dinner will be ready in about fifteen or twenty minutes. Why don’t we sit and talk?”

“Yes, why don’t we?” Gun offered a Cheshire cat smile as he descended into a chair.

“I’m sorry I’ve been MIA,” Camryn said. “I had a couple out-of-state jobs in a row, and they totally threw off my schedule.”

“My schedule’s been a little thrown off, too,” I admitted.

“Ooh, but I heard you killed the big beast of Bone Lake,” Camryn commented. “Go, you.”

I flinched. “I didn’t kill the kulshedra. The werewolves from West’s old pack were responsible for that.”

Cam sipped her wine. “Oh, well. The outcome is what matters. One less monster in Fairhaven to worry about.”

“You speaketh too soon, cousin,” Gun said, pinning me with his dark eyes.

“Wow,” I breathed. “Monster? Really?”

Camryn’s gaze slid from Gun to me. “What’s going on? I’m getting weird vibes from you two.”

Gunther tapped his cousin’s purse. “You’re going to need to break out the Nerds for this, hon. Wine won’t be enough.”

Cam popped open her purse and produced a small box of candy. “That bad, huh?”

“Not too many Nerds,” I warned. “You don’t want to ruin your dinner.”
