Page 10 of Play Dead

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An uncomfortable pain pricked the back of my neck. Even the ward seemed to recognize that the mage and I were in an uncomfortable place. I wasn’t sure where I stood with Camryn because she’d missed my ghost wrangling performance at Bone Lake; it depended on whether Gun had spilled the magic beans to his cousin.

“Company,” Addison sang in response to the doorbell.

“Stay in your room and don’t come out.” I hurried downstairs to answer the door before she decided to disobey orders.

Gun stood alone on the porch. His dark hair was neatly moussed. A gothic black feather shawl cradled his angular shoulders. The heels of his boots boosted him an extra inch.

“Good evening, Miss Clay.”

“Why so formal, Mr. Saxon? It’s like we’ve only just met.”

“Seems appropriate under the circumstances, don’t you think?”

So that’s how it’s going to be. Got it. “No Miss Sable?”

“She’ll be here shortly.”

I motioned to the foyer. “Do come in, sir.”

He crossed the threshold, discarding his shawl in one elegant move. He arranged it daintily on the coat rack.

“New boots?” I asked.

He thrust out a slender leg. “They are. Had them customized so I could hide a few spare cards in the heel.”

“Clever.” In addition to being a member of the local Assassins Guild, Gunther was also a member of La Fortuna Society, an ancient group of mages who channeled their magic through tarot cards.

His gaze swept the foyer. “And will your minions be joining us this evening?”

I suppressed a sigh of irritation. “Nana Pratt and Ray are not my minions. I’ve asked them to give us privacy, so I assume they’re roaming around outside.” I omitted any mention of the fugitive upstairs.

He sniffed the air. “Something smells good. Did you cook?”

“As a matter of fact, I did.”

He looked me in the eye. “Should I be concerned?”

“Poison is a coward’s weapon.”

“Agreed.” He stopped short outside the parlor room. “Holy hooker in a hand basket. What in the maraschino cherry is that?”

“My new sofa. I saw an opportunity and seized it with both hands.”

“I hope you sanitized them afterward.” He rubbed his angular chin. “I wouldn’t have expected to find a monstrosity like this in your house. I’m perturbed by yet another shocking discovery from Lorelei Clay.”

“Which is worse—the red leather sofa or my secret identity?”

He walked forward to examine the sofa. “Neither revelation puts you in a flattering light, and with your skin tone, you really need one.”

My jaw dropped. “Hey. I thought there was a guild rule about no assassinations in Fairhaven.”

“No actual assassinations. The rules say nothing about character.” He lowered himself to the cushion and bounced on the edge. “Not as uncomfortable as it looks.”

“Would you like to sit here for our talk or venture into the kitchen?”

“That depends. Is there alcohol in the kitchen?”

