Page 12 of Play Dead

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Camryn scented the air. “I can smell the fish. What else is there?”

“Rosemary potatoes and broccolini.”

“Oh, I love broccolini,” she declared. “Much more delicate than broccoli.”

I mentally noted the minutes left on the timer. “I’d like to get this part out of the way first, if you don’t mind, so we can enjoy our meal in peace and harmony.”

“Peace and harmony?” Eyes widening, she dumped a handful of candy into her mouth and chewed.

Gun inched his chair closer to hers so that they were both facing me—like a firing squad or an audience, I’d yet to decide; they were a lethal combo either way.

“There’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you,” I began.

“Wanting?” Gun challenged.

I swilled my wine. “There’s something I’ve not been wanting to tell you, but circumstances have forced my hand.”

“Better,” Gun murmured.

Cam’s breathing hitched. “You had sex with Kane!”

I licked my lips. “No, I haven’t, nor would I tell you if I had.”

Her gaze flicked to Gun. “She wouldn’t tell us. Can you believe that?”

“Oh, I can, and you will, too, once you find out what else she hasn’t told us.” Gun’s face remained stony as he tipped back his glass and drank.

I lowered my voice in case Addison decided to eavesdrop. “I’m a goddess. I was originally called Melinoe. Then I was reborn into this human body to a human family.”

Camryn stared at me for a long beat before bursting into laughter.

Gun narrowed his eyes at her. “She isn’t joking, Cam. If you’d seen what she did at Bone Lake, you’d know.”

Cam’s laughter withered and died. “What did you do?”

“I made a mess of an already messy situation.”

“That’s not very specific,” Cam said.

“Do you know what kind of goddess Melinoe is?” Gun asked.

Camryn shook her head. “Deities have never been my strong suit.”

“Daughter of the underworld,” Gun told her. “Goddess of ghosts and nightmares.”

Camryn smiled. “That sounds badass.”

“There were dozens of spirits trapped in Bone Lake,” Gun continued. “She controlled them.”

“Controlled them,” Cam repeated slowly. “Like with a remote?”

“She’s a ghost puppeteer,” Gun said. “She can bend them to her will, like spectral minions.”

Cam gave me an appraising look. “Cool. What else can you do?”

Gun swatted her arm. “Cool? That’s your response to this startling revelation?”

“Why not? It is cool.” She offered me an encouraging smile. “I want to know what else you can do, you badass bitch.”
