Page 101 of Play Dead

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A knock on the door interrupted me. “Are you going to talk to yourself all day?” Addison complained.

“I’m rehearsing.”

“Do you want to role play? I’m good at that.”

I opened the door an inch. “I’d rather have privacy. Can you try to be good at that instead?”

Her mouth formed a pout. “I’m bored. Let me help you.”

“Too late. I’m done now. I need to brush my hair and teeth, and it’s time to go.” My voice box was far calmer than my other organs.

“I’m going with you,” Addison announced. “Where are you going this time?”

“Nowhere.” I retreated into the bathroom to brush, followed by Addison.

“They made you another offer, didn’t they? Let me guess—he said there were no strings attached to it. Just a gesture of goodwill from the good guys.”

I pivoted to face her. “He may have used similar words.”

“You’re too complacent. This is clearly a trap.”

“They’re not the only ones with tricks up their sleeves. If they make a move, so will I.”

As I rinsed my mouth, I felt an enticing sizzle down my spine that prompted me to spit the water all over the sink and mirror.

Addison snort-laughed. “No wonder you need ghosts to clean up after you. You’re a hot mess.”

I glared at her as I headed downstairs to greet Kane.

I stepped onto the front porch and closed the door behind me to avoid eavesdroppers. Claude sat on a white wicker rocking chair at the far end of the porch.

When did I get a rocking chair?

“Are you ready?” Kane’s voice interrupted my confusion.

I shifted my attention back to the demon. “I was planning to go alone.”

Kane clasped my hands. I’d grown so accustomed to his touch that my mind barely registered him, despite my lowered defenses. It was noteworthy progress. I felt—dare I say it—optimistic about our future. For my future. First time for everything.

“I think we should drive separately,” I said. “I want to go in alone.”

“I promise to lurk in the background unless something seems amiss.”

“Do we need a safe word?”

His mouth quirked. “With me? I highly advise it.”

A light tapping sound drew my attention to the floorboards. Claude’s hand crawled across them to tug the hem of my jeans.

“What is it?” I asked.

Claude pointed to me and then Kane. It wasn’t a bad idea. The revenant would be harder to spot. He could keep an eye on me and report back to Kane if necessary.

I looked at the demon. “Make it a threesome.”

Kane cut a glance at the hand. “Under different circumstances, I might find the offer tempting.”

“Claude will accompany me. If anything goes pear-shaped, he’ll let you know. Do you know sign language?”
