Page 9 of Play Dead

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“Death,” she said simply.

“Won’t they just transfer Aite to a new body?” They might put the goddess on ice for a few years to teach her a lesson, but they were too smart to waste a valuable resource.

“They might, but they wouldn’t let human me live. In cases like mine, The Corporation prefers a clean slate. No loose ends, and it’s this person I want to save. This body.” She thumped her chest. “I’ve grown fond of her.”

“Are they capable of killing Aite?”

She arched an eyebrow. “Looking for a way to get rid of me for good?”

“Not at all. I’m only curious about the extent of their power.”

“They have an obliteration team. I know nothing about them other than the fact that they exist.”

“Who have they obliterated?”

“That information is above my pay grade, but rest assured if they decide Aite should go, they have a way of making it happen.” She pulled over the trashcan and swept the peels into it.

An obliteration team. The name alone sent shivers down my spine.

“For better or worse, the fate of both the goddess and human are inextricably linked.”

“What if Addison is killed by other means? Does that automatically obliterate Aite if she has nowhere to go?”

“No. Aite will enter a period of stasis until she’s recovered enough strength to regenerate. Could take centuries.”

“I wouldn’t think she’d be capable of regeneration. Gods don’t seem to have enough staying power these days.”

She gazed at me in wonder.

“What?” I asked.

“If you were an avatar, you’d know all that—unless, of course, your creators kept you nice and ignorant.”

I ignored yet another attempt to extract information from me and, instead, concentrated on grating the lemon peel. “Once the ward activates, you’ll need to stay in your bedroom until I tell you otherwise. Nana Pratt will bring you dinner.”

“I know, I know. Your friends are coming over and I’m like some wee child from the 1800s, not allowed to be seen or heard. I feel like Cinderella being told she can’t go to the ball.”

“It’s nothing personal. I need to have a very important conversation with them in private.”

She looked at me with renewed interest. “Why? What did you do?”

“What makes you think I did something?”

“Well, it sounds like you need to apologize. I’m nosy. I want to know what you did.”

“None of your business.”

She huffed. “Can I have a glass of wine with dinner or is that also reserved for friends only?”

“We’ll see.”

“My parents used to say that when the answer was no.” She heaved a sigh. “You’re not the pushover I hoped you’d be. I’m beginning to think I should’ve taken my chances with The Corporation.”

I showed her my teeth. “That can still be arranged.”


Ichecked my hair and teeth in the bathroom mirror one last time. All good. I didn’t want to give Gunther any more ammunition to use against me than he already had. His words were often as lethal as his tarot cards.
