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"You know it can't end like this," Thorne grunted between ragged breaths, his words barely audible over the din outside. "I came to say goodbye and wish you luck. My battle is with the giant. And I am determined to make certain he pays for my time within his walls."

Barrett stopped running and was almost run over before people stopped.

He could only stare at the blacksmith—his mouth refused to move, but his arms didn't. Barrett wrapped Thorne in an embrace, understanding that even if he survived, he would never see his friend again because there would be no way for him to get down.

A crack reverberated through the walls as a chunk of masonry dislodged from above, sending dust cascading down upon them like snowflakes in an avalanche form.

Barrett pulled away, fearing the barricade would fall soon.

Jackson's voice rang out over the chaos. "Keep moving! We're almost there!"

Barrett's heart soared at the sound of Jackson's voice, and it did more than that. It fell in love.

And when this is all over, you're going to tell him.

He had to keep running. To keep moving to get them all to the beanstalk and to safety. They all couldn't outrun the giant, but he understood that Thorne was about to give them a chance.

At last, the cool air hit Barrett's skin when they emerged into one final chamber carved into living rock long ago by some forgotten hand-wielding unknown tools. Only then did Barrett slow enough to see what lay ahead. A ladder leading up into the sky that would take them to their next run to the beanstalk.

His body shook and his lungs burned as Barrett forced himself to climb the ladder just behind the first guard. It was his duty to ensure it was safe, even if every fiber in him needed to pause.

Keep going. You've heard Jackson, get to safety and get to him then.

He glanced back at Jackson, who had picked up speed now that they were close enough to see their goal. His rough features were etched with determination and something else Barrett couldn't quite place. . .was it relief?

Whatever it was, it made something inside him soften as he turned back towards Thorne who nodded grimly in response to Jackson's words before hurrying towards the castle and the giant.

"Come on, come on," he spoke in a hushed whisper, trying to keep his footing as the giant's attacks on the castle and barrier shook the ground. He urged people forward, praying the giant was so engrossed in his rage he didn't notice.

The beanstalk was a beacon in the bleak landscape of the destroyed kingdom. Barrett could see it, though it appeared to be so far in the distance he couldn't help but fear they would not make it before the giant figured it out.

He ran for what felt like hours, watching as guards, servants, and others passed him until they finally reached the impressive magic beanstalk.

"Barrett!" Jackson's voice somehow called out above the fray as he pushed through the group.

Jackson was there in a flash. Barrett was breathless and covered in soot when Jackson's hands came to rest on his face. His lips took Barrett's in a kiss that sent a wave of pleasure all the way through him.

He blinked in surprise, his body still humming with adrenaline as he stared into the other man's blue eyes.

"Jackson," he murmured, heart racing as he realized how close they were.

"We made it," Jackson breathed, a smile breaking through his dirt-streaked face. "Now climb. I'm going to be behind you."

Barrett took one last deep breath before launching himself onto the beanstalk itself. A sharp intake of breath pulled from his lips as his muscles adjusted to the unexpected shift in weight distribution. The bark was rough underneath his hands as he began climbing swiftly down and away from everything he knew toward something even greater waiting just beyond reach.

Jackson and his father would continue the evacuation from their points and when this was all over, Barrett was going to tell the man he loved that he loved him.

Up above, the giant continued to pound on the enchanted barrier, sending shockwaves of destructive energy through the beanstalk and likely the castle. He roared with rage and frustration, but it didn't sound as if he'd noticed the escape.

A fog began to swirl around them, hiding them from view but also adding a mystical element to their escape.

Barrett glanced over his shoulder one last time at his home, and then he moved as swiftly as he could lower, climbing down and down, knowing that freedom was coming.

He couldn't tell how long he climbed, but at a certain point, snow began to fall, freezing his fingers and making everything a far deadlier descent.

His father was below him somewhere, and Jackson above. All he had to do was keep climbing a little while longer.

A powerful jolt reverberated through the beanstalk, causing it to sway and creak violently. Vibrant streaks of orange and billowing clouds of black filled the sky, creating a stunning display of color and movement. The ground rumbled as the beanstalk continued to shudder, threatening to uproot itself and send them tumbling down.
