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An explosion.

"Jackson, are you okay?" Barrett looked over, only to find that Jackson was not behind or beside him.



Jackson's heart pounded like a drummer’s hands against a drum as he reached Thorne’s side. The smith had shared a desperate plan, and now it was up to them to distract the giant. He knew he was no match for the behemoth, but he couldn't stand by and watch Barrett get hurt again. And if they didn't take the giant down before the others got to safety, that's exactly what would happen.

He'll wait for me.

It was a foolish thought, but one Jackson couldn't shake. Barrett wouldn't let them take down the beanstalk unless Jackson was down. Which is why Thorne and I have to end this up here.

The choice might destroy him, but Jackson would choose to protect Barrett again and again. He'd assumed for some time, but it wasn't until they kissed in front of the beanstalk that he was certain.

Jackson loved Barrett.

And that meant doing anything and everything to save him.


"Hey, ugly!" Jackson bellowed, his voice barely loud enough to be heard by the giant even with him shouting. Jackson moved, dashing forward even further, nodding at Thorne as he rushed between the giant's feet. "You think you're so tough, picking on a little guy like him? Well, I've got something for ya!"

The giant turned, its soulless eyes narrowing at Jackson. It laughed, a booming sound that shook the very foundations of the cloud floor.

"You think you can challenge me, puny insect? You thought you could trick me, and now you stay for me to squash you?" The giant's mouth twisted into a horrific grin showing off gnarled and twisted yellow teeth.

"I may be small, but I've got more guts than you'll ever know!" Jackson shot back, backing away, trying to lure the giant away from the castle. He wasn't certain if the magic barrier would stop Thorne’s explosives from working, but he didn’t want to take that chance. "Why don't you leave the real men alone and pick on someone your own size!"

Thorne was hidden somewhere inside the castle, readying the explosives he'd chosen to attach to his body. As soon as Jackson had heard the insane plane, he'd had to stay behind. He wouldn't let the smith die alone. Not when he did so to save them all. Unfortunately, if he didn’t get to the castle to breathe, the giant was going to squash him.

Moving toward the castle, Jackson rushed inside. He needed to keep the giant's focus on the castle for as long as possible. As soon as the enemy king saw the beanstalk, the others were gone.

And if Jackson and Thorne failed, then the others needed more time to get off the stalk and cut the damn thing down.

"Come on then!" Jackson hollered as he rushed inside the main hall, tumbling as the giant struck the magical barricade.

He quickly climbed to his feet and stumbled back, avoiding another strike from the giant's massive hand.

Thorne's muffled voice called out for him from somewhere in the castle. Jackson knew he wouldn't be able to hold off this giant for much longer. He needed to find a way to take it down or at least distract it long enough for Thorne to set off the explosives.

Thinking quickly, Jackson reached for a nearby sword that had been left behind by one of Barrett's knights. It was heavier than what he was used to, but he knew how to use it well enough from playing around as a kid.

With a battle cry, Jackson charged toward the giant and slashed at its knee with all his might. To his surprise, he managed to make a deep cut in its skin.

"I'm ready!" Thorne cried from somewhere within the castle.

"Not yet!" Jackson screamed, trying to be louder than the giant's incomprehensible roars. "They haven't had enough time."

"Then it's time to play tag. Do they have that where you're from?" Thorne appeared beside him, the burly man offering a sad smile.

Jackson had no idea how much time the others needed. Up took forever, but down seemed much faster. The first out had to have at least a thirty-minute start. They needed to keep this beast busy for at least an hour.

That way, if they failed, maybe the stalk would be cut down.

Or maybe we'll just limit how many others die in the crossfire.

"The hell we do," Jackson clasped Thorne's hand. "It's time to play with a giant."
