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One day, this will all be behind us.

Without warning, the ground shook, knocking Barrett into a woman behind him. His blood froze. Only one thing shook the ground like that.

A giant's step.

Barrett rushed to the nearest window, his heart threatening to jump out of his throat as his eyes confirmed what his head already knew.

The towering king strode with purpose towards the castle, his heavy footsteps echoing through the air. The walls of the fortress rose high, a symbol of safety and protection for those inside. Their hearts raced as they watched the immense figure approach, their fear palpable in the stillness of the moment. And yet, there was also a sense of awe at the power and strength that radiated from the giant's imposing presence.

Barrett's heart dropped as he watched the giant king approach. It was terrifying to see the massive creature up close, his footsteps shaking the ground with each step.

A fist as large as a tree swung, but failed to damage the castle. The enchanted shield sparkled and hummed angrily as a foot tried to kick through it. His fury couldn't break the magical barrier. Not easily at least.

His gargantuan frame towered over the castle, making it so Barrett could not even see the giant's faceā€”but he knew it was the king. He'd spent over a decade with his captor and there was no doubt who was here now.

He could feel the king's anger like a palpable wave crashing toward them and turned to the small group gathered around him.

"Jackson!" Barrett cried out, spinning to try to find the man he would not leave behind.

His heart raced with fear and guilt as his eyes frantically searched the castle halls. There was no room to move through a crowd, but he needed to know Jackson was safe and ready to leave. The giant's fury at Jackson would likely be the deepest of all.

Barrett cursed under his breath. They had been so close to escaping, so close to finally being free from the tyrant's grasp. And now they were trapped again.

The ground shook once more when the giant king let out a deafening roar, sending tremors throughout the castle. Suddenly, a loud explosion filled the air and dust filled their vision.

When it cleared, Barrett saw that a part of the castle wall had crumbled, revealing a hidden passage behind it. It must have been created by some previous occupants as an escape route in case of emergencies.

"You have something of mine!" The giant howled, the castle shaking with the sheer volume coming from the furious giant. "A human tried to steal him as I stole him from you. But he is mine, and that human will lay dead in my grasp!"

The roar echoed through the castle halls, vibrating the very bones of those who heard it. Barrett's heart began to race as he turned back to see what had caused it.

"We must move quickly," his father called out firmly. "The faster we get to the beanstalk, the better our chances."

Barrett nodded at one guard, who immediately began organizing a group for the journey down. There was no time for hesitation or second-guessing. They all knew that their lives depended on this escape.

But not everyone moved quickly enough. Many were too scared. Some were frozen in fear, unable to move. Barrett could see the panic in their eyes and knew they needed a leader.

They didn't have much time before the giant king could get through their defenses again.

As they rushed through the narrow passageway, Barrett's mind raced with thoughts of what could be waiting for them at the other end. But he pushed those fears aside and focused on getting his people to safety.

A hand wrapped around his upper arm and Barrett's heart stilled as he turned in hopes to see Jackson caught up to him.

It was Thorne, though his friend didn't wear the usual bright expression. His eyes were dark, stormy almost, and his lips were set in a straight line.

The castle shook again as the giant rampaged outside, determined to find a way in.

"Something is wrong, but we do not have the time to discuss this. Come with me, lead them out, and talk as we go."


Barrett moved again, hurrying down another corridor toward their escape route - a hidden passageway barely large enough for them all. Barrett could almost taste the fear in the air itself - bitterness and desperation mingling together into something potent and overwhelming.

Each step was accompanied by a low rumble that resonated through his bones. The tunnel led to god-only-knew-where and Barrett was beginning to worry this was not an escape route.

As Barrett ran, he could hear the pounding of his heartbeat echoing in his ears. His lungs burned with each breath, but he pressed on, driven by a mix of terror and determination.

The passageway twisted and turned, diving deeper into the mountain's belly as if trying to hide from prying eyes above. But Barrett knew better. The clouds housed an entire realm of monsters and magic beyond mortal understanding. He wondered how many more secrets lay hidden beneath its surface. How many more dangers waited for those who dared to delve beneath? Yet they had no choice but to trust in their plan or face certain doom at the mercy of the giant's wrath.
