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Moving through the hall, he stopped before Barrett's room and knocked as quietly as he could. Within seconds, the door swung inward, revealing Barrett awake and dressed in Jackson's clothing.

The sight of Barrett in the faded green flannel and slightly baggy jeans sent Jackson's mind spinning down an entirely incorrect path.

I could get used to seeing him here. Jackson sighed. But he doesn't want to stay and I can't keep him from a family he hasn't seen in over a decade.

"Morning, sleepyhead," he greeted Barrett with a wink. I hope you're okay with being up early."

"Good morning, Jackson," Barrett responded, a slight blush tinting his chiseled cheeks. "I think I owe you at least an early morning after all you've done." He glanced down the hall. "If we're being honest, I couldn't sleep."

Jackson considered telling Barrett he was there if the prince wanted to talk, but he held back. They weren't dating. They had used each other to do what they needed most.

"Alright, we've got work to do," he said, grabbing his worn-out Stetson off the couch behind Barrett. "Ready to make my dead lands grow?"

Barrett smiled, his eyes glinting with mischief. "It'd be my pleasure, Jackson," he said, following Jackson down the stairs.

"You're certain your magic will work? Even on dead land?"

Barrett's chuckle was more sensual than he likely knew. "My magic needed a real meal and rest. You supplied both. Growing is what I do." His hand set gently down on Jackson's shoulder. "I promise."

"We'll have to dig around the shit dirt first, get it out of the way and hopefully what you grow doesn't die without proper soil."

Jackson moved as he always did for morning chores - though the animals would have to wait a little longer. Barrett followed beside him at an easy pace. So at ease here and yet still not belonging.

Jackson handed Barrett a shovel off the railing and pointed at the farthest plot. "We'll start farthest out. Give us something to be thankful for as we get closer back to the house."

"Aye, aye." Barrett gave a mock salute and a small wink. "But I won't need this." He set the shovel back down. "Come along then, let me show you magic."

As they reached the first plot of land, Jackson watched in awe as Barrett took the shovel and knelt beside it. He lowered his head, eyes closing, and began to whisper under his breath. The dirt around him seemed to tremble just slightly before the soil rose from the ground, sifting through his fingers like sand. As he dug deeper, it seemed that he was communicating with something beneath their feet. Barrett's face softened, becoming almost peaceful and serene.

Suddenly, giant sprouts popped out of the rich black dirt between his fingers. Each one was perfectly formed and glowing slightly. Barrett grinned at Jackson, "These will do nicely. Carrots, yes?"

"My gosh," Jackson moved forward and set his hands in the dense green top that had appeared by actual magic. His fingers twisted before he pulled, tugging with all his strength as a carrot as long as his forearm sprang from the ground. "This is amazing."

"Told you so. I'm good at making things grow."

Jackson's mouth went dry as the simple comment became sensual for some reason.

"Umm yes. Come on, there are more fields to tend to and then we have to get you home."

Jackson moved, damn near running toward the wheat field, knowing that if Barrett could make even have the field grow, his livelihood would be saved.

As before, Barrett caught up to Jackson and leaned down nearer the dry and empty soil with dead seeds laying inside.

Barrett's magic started taking effect damn near instantly they grew quickly and steadily until they were towering green stalks reaching towards the sky with broad leaves rustling in a non-existent breeze. They towered higher than any crop Jackson had ever seen before; he could barely reach their lowest branches without standing on tiptoe.

The miraculous transformation didn't stop there. Jackson and Barrett spent hours moving from field to field, and even stopping in areas that held no seeds at all.

Each plant began producing fruits and vegetables at an unnatural speed and size. Before Jackson knew it, his farm was unrecognizable from the barren wasteland he'd left a few weeks ago to try to save.

There were tomatoes bigger than watermelons. Cucumbers as long as baseball bats, and corn that seemed to stretch nearly to the clouds which would certainly draw attention. All of which looked ripe for harvesting.

They worked side by side until every inch of land was filled with these magical crops swaying gently in the nonexistent wind currents high up in the sky island realm.

Jackson sighed in relief and wiped the sweat off his brow with the back of his hand. He couldn't believe it. The farm was going to be saved, all thanks to Barrett's magic and that magical beanstalk that had sprouted from the ground. The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow over the flora and fauna surrounding them.

"You did it," Jackson's voice cracked as he looked at what was now a viable farm once more. “Can you do this with everything? Make it as big as you want?”

"I did," Barrett breathed, looking around with awe in his gaze as well. “Not everything. Things from my realm will grow larger than yours.”
