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They stood there for a moment longer, basking in their shared victory. Suddenly, Jackson didn't care if they'd only been playing roles, he needed to find out for himself.

Jackson couldn't resist any longer and lunged forward, closing the distance between them with a swift movement. He pressed his lips against Barrett's, devouring him hungrily as he let out an audible moan. The desire that had been building inside him since their first encounter was finally being released, mixing pleasure with relief in a delicious rush.

Barrett's arms wrapped around Jackson's waist, pulling him closer as he let out an audible moan. The sound only fueled Jackson's desire as he deepened the kiss, exploring every inch of Barrett's mouth with his tongue.

All thoughts of their fake relationship vanished from Jackson's mind as he let himself get lost in the moment. The desire that had been building inside him since their first encounter was finally being released, mixing pleasure with relief in a delicious rush.

They broke apart for air, both panting heavily as their foreheads rested against each other. Jackson couldn't believe what had just happened. He had never felt such intense chemistry with anyone before.

Barrett brushed his fingers along Jackson's cheekbone, sending shivers down his spine. "I've wanted to do that since I first saw you," he admitted breathlessly. "For real and not just to distract the giant."

"Me too," Jackson confessed, unable to keep the smile off his face.

They stayed there for a few more moments, lost in each other's gazes until the sun began to dip below the horizon and reality came crashing back in.

"We should probably head back," Barrett said reluctantly, breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah," Jackson agreed with a sigh. As much as he wanted to stay there with Barrett forever, they both knew it wasn't possible.

They made their way back to the farmhouse hand in hand, not bothering to hide their affection anymore. After everything that had happened that day, they both knew they couldn't go back to pretending nothing had changed between them.

"Go wake Lark and Thorne. I'll tend to the animals, and then we can get on the road. Her falcon won't like it, but as long as he stays calm, we'll be fine. It'll be a long drive, but I can grow another beanstalk close enough to your kingdom."

I think.

The wind howled as they drove down the winding road, the old truck swaying and creaking as it navigated the twists and turns. The farm had disappeared behind them hours ago, replaced by a blur of trees and buildings flashing past like memories.

The engine rumbled beneath them as Jackson drove through small towns and wide-open spaces dotted with farmland.

They were moving faster than Jackson had ever gone before, and his heart pounded with excitement mixed with nervous anticipation.

He was going to a hotel to illegally plant a giant beanstalk seed, pray that water from a can worked, and then say goodbye to the most interesting person he'd ever met.

Nothing to it, Jackson thought bitterly.

As they traveled closer to the motel in Colorado, Jackson couldn't help but wonder about what lay ahead - not just the portal to another realm but also the adventures and risks that came with it. His hands tightened on the worn leather of his steering wheel as they passed under an oak tree so large it blocked out the sun for an entire stretch of highway.

The clouds loomed larger now, calling to him like a siren song. He glanced over at Barrett, who leaned against his seat with a small smile on his lips. He seemed so at ease in the truck despite never having been in one before.

In the backseat, Lark sat with her forehead resting against the cool glass window, lost in thought. Her trusty friend still sat perched on her shoulder, feathers fluffed in a comfortable sleep.

Even Thorne was at ease, having fallen asleep at least two hours ago.

Everyone in the truck was at peace - except Jackson.

Jackson's body was a damn live wire. It was electrified tension waiting to burst after his kiss with Barrett hours earlier.

As dusk settled over the area, Jackson pulled the truck into a small mountainside motel. It looked like something that had seen many days.

The red roof had tons missing shingles, and the white paint on the building peeled back in too many places, revealing prior layers of paint.

"We're here." He stuck his hand into his pocket and pulled out the seed bag. "We need to plant this. But, Barrett?"


"Any shot your magic is too depleted to have this bean grow without waiting overnight?"

If Barrett thought the request had anything to do with spending more time together, he didn't let on.
