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Finally reaching solid ground after what felt like an eternity, Barrett let out a shaky breath and looked around in wonder at their new environment. Everything was the same size as him - so similar to the memories he had of home. All that was left to do was touch the ground.

Barrett gasped for air once he touched earth once more, feeling its familiar roughness beneath him after days trapped amongst these towering impossibilities all around him.

With the climb done, every muscle in his body ached in a way he hadn't thought possible. He could collapse in a heap where the stench reminded him of the giants, but they had to work.

Quickly," Barrett urged, his voice hoarse from fear and exertion. "We need to cut this down. There's no way he'll notice, and they can't just descend without it."

Jackson nodded grimly, his muscles already tense with anticipation. With one last glance at the treacherous stalk, he raced away toward a small shack just as Thorne and Lark touched the ground.

"Thank you," Thorne brushed leaves from his shoulders.

"I'd love to take credit, but that was all Jackson. And we're not free yet."

Jackson rushed toward them, the distance closing with every second and Barrett couldn't stop the fear crawling over his skin.

"You're certain he won't notice?" Jackson asked, passing him an ax and Thorne what looked like a scythe.

"He might, but I'm more concerned he could decide to venture down if we leave it."

"Lark, keep your eyes to the top of the stalk. Let's make certain nothing comes down when they notice it shaking from our efforts." Jackson locked eyes with Barrett. "This could take hours with our muscles the way they are from the climb."

"Then we'd better get started."

With combined efforts, the beanstalk gave a final groan as if the very sky was moaning its demise before crashing down, its fall like the bellow of a beast in its death throes.

Finally, it hit the ground with a resounding boom, sending up a cloud of dust and debris. The earth beneath them trembled, the reverberation singing a song of triumph and freedom.

They exchanged glances, and then erupted into relieved, triumphant laughter. It echoed around them, the sweetest melody they had ever heard.

Barrett wrapped Jackson in an embrace, relief flooding through him as did the stirring of something more. "We did it," he murmured, voice thick with emotion.

"Yes, we did," Jackson replied, his arms tightening around Barrett. Together, they stood, victorious and breathless, the weight of the giant's tyranny lifting like fog at the rise of the sun.

"I hate to ask, but do you have any more to get us home?" Lark chirped from somewhere out of sight.

"I do. But not tonight. Tonight, we need to rest in real beds, eat real food, and let our muscles heal." Jackson offered Barrett a hand. "Come with me?"

Barrett smiled, glee still coursing through him. "I think I'd follow you anywhere."



As the rosy fingers of dawn stretched across the sky, Jackson awoke with a start, the remnants of his vivid dream still clinging to him like dew on a spider's web. Barrett's lips on his, his body touching the prince's. The dream had spiraled out of control and now Jackson wanted nothing more than to close his eyes and return to those dreams.

He pushed the memories aside, knowing he had work to do. The farm wouldn't tend to itself, and Jackson knew that Barrett didn't want to stay.

A quick summary to his aunt had her storming off to report abduction to the police and then the evening had turned … normal.

Barrett was able to give Jackson a rough idea of where his kingdom was, and Jackson knew that he could take the prince, Thorne and Lark home.

Even if he didn't want Barrett to go.

Their act was over.

The fastest fake fiancé in the history of the scheme. Now, Barrett had to make good on his end of the deal before Jackson would take him home.

Jackson rose from his bed and dressed in his well-worn overalls and boots, the fabric worn soft against his skin. They'd have a lot of fields to tend to today, and having had to let go of the hands, Jackson would have to return to harvest the crops quickly.
