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But as quickly as it began, Barrett pulled away, leaving Jackson breathless and wanting more. They stared at each other for a moment, their chests heaving in unison.

"Was that convincing enough for the spying giants?" Jackson managed to say through ragged breaths.

A mischievous glint appeared in Barrett's eyes. "I think we can do better."

Before Jackson could process what was happening, Barrett pressed their lips together once again. This time, there was no hesitation or doubt in their actions. His hands roamed freely over each Jackson's body, pulling him so damn close Jackson couldn't stop the moan as they came together.

Barrett's lips were intoxicating, sending waves of pleasure throughout Jackson's body. His hands roamed over Jackson's chest and down his sides, pulling him closer with each touch. They moved in perfect sync as if they had been practicing this dance for years.

Jackson gave in to the moment, no longer caring if this was real or just an act. He let his hands tangle in Barrett's hair.

"You are quite convincing," Barrett breathed against Jackson's lips. "But we're not done yet. I want them to see that we can't keep our hands off each other."

Barrett's voice was low and seductive, sending shivers down Jackson's spine. He was not usually the one to be seduced, and the change in role was more than his lust could ignore.

Before he could respond, Barrett claimed his lips once again. This time, there was no holding back—their kisses were hungry and desperate, their bodies pressed tightly together. Jackson's head spun desire as they continued to explore each other's mouths.

Barrett's hands trailed down to the hem of Jackson's shirt, tugging at it impatiently. Without hesitation, Jackson lifted his arms and allowed Barrett to pull it off. The cool air hit his skin but was quickly forgotten as Barrett's lips trailed down his neck.

Their movements became more urgent and uninhibited as they explored every inch of each other's bodies. It was like they were both starving for each other and couldn't get enough.


The boom of a voice shook the dungeons, separating Barrett and Jackson with a tumble. Their chests heaving up and down with desire. For a moment, they just stared at each other, hearts racing. His skin was flush and warm. Not even the chill of the dungeon could take that from him.

Barrett stood up, brushing off his breeches, still looking back at Jackson with a mix of desire and determination in his eyes. "I assure you, it's as interesting as it looked," he quipped.

Jackson gulped audibly, his heart pounding in his ears as he struggled to catch his breath and regain some semblance of normalcy. The taste of Barrett's lips lingered on his tongue like honey wine—sweet and intoxicating. He couldn't help but glance between Barrett and the giant, trying to hide the need coursing through him.

It was strange how desire overruled the fear Jackson knew he should tremble with at the sight of the giant - fury etched in his overwhelmingly large features.

"And what have I seen?" The voice didn't bellow this time, but it was as loud as it had been days before.

"The start of your next power move," Barrett spoke so smoothly Jackson couldn't help but wonder if the kiss had been only an act for the prince.

"And that means what?" The king snarled.

"Jackson is in charge of large sums of land in the realm below the clouds. And he's decided that our forced proximity has opened him up to all sorts of ideas." Barrett glanced back at Jackson, a moment of pleading in his eyes. "That we would wed."

"I see," the giant crouched then, an eye as big as Jackson's head suddenly less than an inch away.

It took everything in him not to scream or jump away.

This close up, every pore on his skin was like a city block; every crevice and wrinkle could house entire villages. The muscles in his arm rippled as the giant flexed them casually, causing small tremors in the ground they stood on.

"And what does this have to do with me?" The giant's breath was foul, like dirty gym socks laid in vomit for a few days.

Now you talk to help.

"Through our marriage, you would have a claim to parts of both realms. Your power and riches would double, and I will show you how I came to be here so you might use it for your own means." His heart now slammed in his chest from fear, not desire, and Jackson much preferred the former.

"But you must allow us to gain access to things from his realm that would make your claim to the land official." Barrett stepped up and took Jackson's hand.

"He may leave on his own."

"Not possible," Jackson squeaked. "Umm, the certificate we need, it requires the legal signature of both parties."

The giant pulled away then, letting loose a gust of wind. "I see. Let me think till morning."
