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As the giant left the chamber, the floor trembled under his footsteps.

Seconds passed in silence before Jackson's heart slowly began to calm. His eyes found Barrett's, and he was shocked to see Barrett's gaze alive with joy.

"It's going to work!"

"Yeah, and what about us?" Thorne called through the bars.

"We're going to break free and get me home. My kingdom will come back. I swear it."

As the realization sunk in, Jackson's stomach twisted and turned, a nauseating reminder that they would have to leave Thorne and Lark behind. The thought weighed heavily on his mind, tainting the excitement and anticipation of their upcoming journey. He couldn't imagine venturing into the unknown without his two closest friends by his side. A sense of melancholy settled over him like a dark cloud, dimming the once-bright horizon ahead. Yet, he knew this was a necessary sacrifice for their mission. With a heavy heart, he grudgingly accepted their fate and prepared for what lay ahead.

"We trust you," Lark spoke, the falcon crying his agreement.

"Aye. Just don't forget." Thorne added.

And that, for now, had to be enough for Jackson to keep going.



As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, casting a pale, diffused glow upon the sky-island, Barrett was restless and, therefore, likely unable to do what was needed to trick his father.

His thoughts had been filled with replays of the passionate kisses he and Jackson shared. He couldn't help but replay those moments in his head, the way the farmer's lips had felt against his own, the surprised yet welcoming response, and the intense desire that had flared between them. There was nothing he wanted more than to see where things would go if they kissed without pretense.

Rolling onto his side, Barrett stared up at the rocky ceiling above him, his mind swirling with the implications of what that single act might mean. A part of him longed for something more—for a connection beyond the fleeting alliances he'd known in this realm—but another part of him warned him to tread carefully. Falling for a man from the realm below, especially one whose world was on the brink of a magical catastrophe, was a recipe for heartache.

As the sky continued to lighten through the small dungeon window, signaling the arrival of dawn, Barrett reluctantly pushed aside his thoughts and sat up.

Gently, he shook Jackson's shoulder, knowing that they needed to get an early start if they were to have any hope of finding the enchanted beans and making their escape.

Jackson blinked awake, a smile pressing over his lips when he must have woken fully.

"We should get ready," Barrett said, his voice hinting at formality. We have to convince my father."

"Son!" The giant's grating voice came just seconds later, shaking the ground as it always did when the cruel man wished to make a point.

Six more ground-shaking steps and the man who'd haunted Barrett was in the dungeon. His armor gleamed with what was no doubt slime or sweat. The creature never bothered with hygiene.

The stench of sweat and dirt filled his nostrils as the monstrous figure loomed over them, its armor glistening under the dim light.

"Well, farm boy. Son," the king boomed, a cruel smirk twisting his lips. "It would appear the time has come for me to conquer another land. It has been quite some decades and I am grateful for the opportunity."

Barrett's heart slammed so hard in his chest that he worried the little magic he had might create some bizarre reaction.

The giant's amusement grated on Barrett's last nerve as he watched the sun rise over the horizon. Its fiery hues painted the sky in shades of red, orange, and gold, casting long, elongated shadows over the kingdom. The small window high up in the dungeon wall offered a glimmer of hope, but it wasn't enough to dispel the gloom and despair that lingered in the air.

"You'll permit this?" Barrett asked, actively working to keep the skepticism from his voice.

"This human promises me another world to conquer. One I have not figured out how to get to because I am no fool. I will not plummet to my death for a chance at power."

Could've fooled me.

"I will allow you both to leave under the condition that you explain how you got up before you leave."

Barrett looked to Jackson, and they exchanged a silent look, their hands brushing fleetingly as they clasped them into fists. They were in this together, no matter what happened next.

"I have no problem showing you," Jackson's voice had a deeper timbre than usual leading Barrett to believe he was trying to hide his fear of the giant.
