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Yet his mind kept drifting back to the way Barrett's eyes lit up when he spoke about his home in the clouds.

"How 'bout another tale, Jackson?" Thorne's deep, gravelly voice filled the cell, breaking the silence that often fell between them. His large hands were clasped together, resting on one bent knee, eyes expectant.

Jackson gave an amused snort, happy to think about anything other than the growing attraction for a prince from another world. "I think I've gone through my whole life's worth here, Thorne. I've not got much left that won't bore you to tears. Unless you think hearing about the time a goat ate my auntie's bloomers could help the boredom."

Lark let out a hearty chuckle, her lean figure leaning against the cell bars. "Now that's a story I wouldn't mind hearing."

Barrett cast a knowing smile Jackson's way, his piercing eyes seemed to shimmer in the dim light

"What about the story of a desperate farmer who saved the lot? That's one I'm sure none of us would tire of hearing."

A warmth spread through Jackson at the words—partly from the shared laughter, partly from Barrett's soft gaze that lingered a touch too long. Jackson couldn't help but wonder at his own feelings, which seemed to bud like springtime flowers even in the winter of their captivity.

"Well," Jackson started, shuffling on the stone floor, "I think we've told that one enough considering nothing has changed."

"Speaking' of stories," Thorne cut in, "How 'bout you, Barrett? Not often we get a real prince in shackles alongside us." Thorne's eyes were bright with curiosity.

Barrett's expression faltered, a shadow dancing over his face, but he quickly masked it with his usual witty charm. "Ah, thrones and crowns aren't what they're cracked up to be, my burly blacksmith friend. Besides, I've grown quite fond of these shackles. They're rather becoming, don't you think?"

The groups laughter rang hollow in the stone chamber. It was a reprieve, but it couldn't cloak the weight of their captivity, leaving Jackson with yet another thing he enjoyed from Barrett.

The man had clearly lived a hard life, and unlike Jackson, he didn't allow it to weigh him down. Barrett had all the reasons in the world to mope or curse, and he took none of them.

As the laughter died down, Barrett spoke again. "I know we all overestimated how much my captor values me, but I fear I'm not strong enough to use my magic to break out a distraction any longer." His head fell back against the wall. "Not in the way we wanted."

Barrett moved closer to Jackson, lowering his voice so only the farmer could hear.

"Jackson," he hummed softly, "I may have a plan. But it will require your cooperation."

Jackson tilted his head. "I'm listening, though I thought I already gave my word I’d help before you got me thrown in here."

Barrett scanned their surroundings before he continued in a hushed tone, "My stepfather is hardly intelligent. Some might even consider him one step above a fool. However, he's also predictable in his desires. I know how his twisted mind works. If we spin the right story, we can still get out and come back for Thorne and Lark." Barrett's gaze glanced upwards, where the magical orbs serving as cameras eavesdropped.

Jackson followed his gaze and nodded. While he didn't like the idea of leaving the other two, he knew they'd find a way to get them out.

"And what do you propose we do? A jail fight that leads to an untimely injury?"

Barrett's face was mere inches from Jackson's now. "We can trick him into thinking that you've fallen in love with me. That you're going to offer him the realm below in exchange for my hand."

A surge of adrenaline rushed through Jackson's veins, setting his pulse racing with anticipation at the mere thought of pretending to love Barrett. His heart pounded in his chest, matching the excitement and nerves coursing through his body. The possibility of playing this role sent a thrill through him, making his breath quicken and his hands tremble with exhilaration. Every fiber of his being was on edge, ready for the challenge ahead. He could not think of anything more fitting with the way he's been watching Barrett.

But you're not going to let him know that because this isn't an attraction thing. This is an escape.

Jackson swallowed, finding his voice. "And you think that'll work? That he'll let us go 'because of a love story?"

"Precisely. He's invested in the rule of royalty. In heirs." Barrett's eyes were shimmering with mischief now.

"But, Barrett. . ." Jackson said hesitantly, his voice a mere breath, "You are aware we could never give him one?"

Barrett's expression softened, a vulnerability peering out from behind his confident facade. "Of course I am, but he is not." Barrett leaned just a hair's breadth closer. "Let's give those cameras a show to call every damn giant down here."

Their gazes locked, a charged silence hanging between them. In a heartbeat, Barrett closed the distance, capturing Jackson's lips in a tender, yet passionate kiss.

The world narrowed to their shared breath and the heat between them.

Jackson's mind was little more than a chaotic mix of emotions as Barrett's lips claimed his, sending sparks of electricity through his body. He couldn't believe they were actually doing this, but he was not going to waste this opportunity.

Barrett's hand cupped Jackson's face and pulled him deeper into the kiss, their tongues tangling in a dance that left Jackson dizzy. He had never been kissed like this before, with such intensity and desperation. It was as if they were both trying to convey something through the touch of their lips, something that words could never express.
