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"Because you weren't afforded the time to."

Jackson nodded thoughtfully as if he agreed with the rationale.

A chuckle half caught in Jackson's throat sounded more filled with grim acceptance than mirth.

"What's gotten into me? Me, spinning a tale to a giant king. Yet, the absurdity of it, the sheer audacity of it, I'll do it."

Barrett tried to ignore the swell of warmth covering him at the promise of being Jackson's husband. What is the matter with you? He didn't offer that.

"If my father will not send food directly, I can grow myself to his size. It would be dangerous as hell for you three, but we can prepare accordingly, and it will get his attention."

The hawk screeched again, though Barrett had a feeling it wasn't in agreement.

"Have you two always been in the same cell?" Jackson spoke again.

"Always. Rumor has it they don't have too many for humans. So, if the cells fill up, they kill people to make space because the other cells have large gaps in the bars." Throne looked down.

"And they just did that, didn't they?" Jackson asked as the same thought had formed in Barrett's mind.

"Aye," the blacksmith turned. "We cannot talk much. It will draw them down in a way we do not wish."

As they arrived, the duo vanished back out of the flickering torch light and out of sight.

The sky turned from sunset orange to deep purple, casting an eerie glow on the castle walls. The cool evening breeze swept through the courtyard, rustling the leaves in the trees surrounding them. As they stood there in silence, Barrett couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to be back on Earth under the stars. He closed his eyes and imagined the scent of the air without the constant smell of rain, or walking through the lush green forests of his homeland.

"It'll be alright," Jackson whispered.

Barrett opened his eyes and turned to face him, surprised by the show of support from this man who barely knew him. As their gazes met, something shifted between them, an unspoken understanding that they were more than two men stuck in a dungeon. It was as if two puzzle pieces were slowly snapping into place, revealing a beautiful picture only they could see.

"You're going save my farm, and I'm going to get you out of this place." Jackson took Barrett's hand in his without warning.

Barrett's heart raced as Jackson's warm hand enveloped his own. It was a simple gesture, but it sent a surge of emotions through him that he couldn't fully comprehend. He had only just met Jackson, yet the man had already become a source of comfort and strength in this unfamiliar world.

"Jackson…" Barrett's voice trailed off as he searched for words to express his gratitude.

"Let's just survive to do all the saving."

Barrett nodded. Survival was a fantastic first step.



The damp, grim walls of the dungeon echoed with the sound of distant drips of water from the musky ceiling. Days had passed with no sign of the giant king or one of his men. Jackson couldn't help but wonder if Lark and Thorne hadn't overestimated the importance of the famed stepson.

Jackson's gaze turned to Barrett, taking in every feature. Despite time in the dark, his skin seemed to glow with a slight otherworldly tinge - what Jackson now knew was his magic glow.

Barrett's dark hair fell softly over those intense blue eyes that seemed to hold stories untold, and Jackson couldn't help but wonder what kind of life he led up above before ending up here.

He watched as Barrett shifted slightly, throwing an arm over his head to move away a lock of hair from his face. Jackson's breath hitched as he imagined what it would feel like to run those fingers through those strands himself. Maybe even trace them down the strong jawline or along those defined shoulders.

It seemed that while the last three days passed with little excitement, Jackson couldn't take his eyes off Barrett. When Barrett would glance his way, Jackson felt a jolt of electricity coursing through him. His heart beat faster, and his cheeks flushed—two things that never happened to him around anyone.

The dim light of the dungeon didn't diminish the otherworldly beauty that was Barrett, if anything, it made it more pronounced. His dark hair shifted slightly when he moved, emphasizing the lean muscles of his chest and shoulders.

There was no denying the pull he felt towards this mysterious man from another world. It might turn out to be nothing more than a lustful desire from a man on the brink of the end, but Jackson wasn't so certain it wasn't going to become more.

It was surprising how much this near stranger affected him. He looked away, focusing on their meager dinner. Another night of stale bread and water from a small stream that ran through the dungeon.
