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A falcon's screech came from the darkness, preceding any introduction, and a slight figure stepped forward to the bars. Just enough in the light, Barrett noticed her gaze was sharp as the stare of the bird on her shoulder.

"They call me Lark," she offered with a cautious nod, her voice melodic yet holding an undercurrent of steely resilience. "The falcon is Mardoc"."

Another movement in the near shadow, and a man—larger in frame than Jackson but not a gaint—stepped forward.

"Name's Thorne. And before you ask, I'm not from here. I’m nothing more than a blacksmith stolen to make some damn crown and tossed it in here when the job was down." His eyes held a mixture of strength and resignation.

Barrett knew exactly who Thorne was. He'd never met the smith, but the crown was the one the giant tried to force Barrett to accept. When he didn't, the beast threatened to kill the blacksmith for failing.

I've never been so glad not to wear the damn crown than right now.

"Well met, Thorne, Lark," Barrett said, inclining his head before returning a probing look. "Are you certain that crown was all?"

Thorne grunted, picking at his blacksmith apron with a smirk. " Not only that. Also for crafting a blade meant for the Giant, they said. Though we all know it's because of that failed crown."

"And you?" Jackson spoke to Lark as he stepped up to the bars, his hands gripping around them the same way he'd held onto the beanstalk earlier in the day - for dear life.

Her lips curved into a small, wistful smile. "Flying too close to the sun—or rather, exploring too near the stronghold. They don't take kindly to those with the means to deliver messages beyond their reach."

The falcon ruffled its feathers in agreement, a soft fwip-fwip sound filling the air.

"And why are you here?" Lark questioned, walking closer to the bars until the falcon's wings flapped.

"I thought my father would trade my time here for a chance to go to the Realm Below. Something we would have never allowed to actually happen." Barrett added quickly when their faces twisted with shock.

"The Realm Below?" Lark and Thorne spoke together.

"Umm, Earth?" Jackson added.

"So you're not from here?"

Jackson's bellow of a laugh shocked Barrett.

"No. I came up here to selfishly steal food to feed my farm animals and my aunt. This one caught me and somehow roped me into this plan to free him." Jackson looked at him. "Though he never discussed what I would free him from."

"This is not my home. My home is to the far west. A kingdom filled with those who look like Lark and Thorne—and you. My father and mother infuriated the giant king. He came for the land. Instead, he killed her and took me. I've only come to assume it was to remove power because my people will never allow any without the blood of my family to rule."

A pained look etched across Jackson's face. "I don't know how we will get you back home, but I'm sure you don't just intend to go below the clouds. I lost my parents in an accident, and if one of yours is alive, I’ll get you back to him."

Barrett nodded, his thoughts a tangled web that he was sure could be seen clearly on his face. He gazed at Jackson, wondering if the man possessed some kind of mind-reading ability or if he was simply perceptive enough to see through Barrett's facade.

Their stories traded, the four prisoners fell into a contemplative silence, each trapped in their private carousel of thoughts until Barrett's voice cut through the gloom.

"We need to get out. We have things to do, lives to live. . ." He cast an apologetic glance at Jackson, a silent echo of their erstwhile plan.

Lark tilted her head, eyes narrowing. "Escape, you say? I've seen the inside of every giant's construction here. What you need is a layout, a map—I can provide that."

"Not to rain on anyone's parade, but if the pair of you could get out, why the fuck haven't you?" Jackson still clutched the cell bars, but his eyes burned with fire when he looked at Barrett.

"Because they'd have to come down here. Our food is dropped from above, but with the stolen prince here, it begs the question of why they'd bring the food."

Barrett could have told her the giant only wanted him as an heir because it left his kingdom without one. Or so he'd come to believe.

"An heir," he whispered, a smirk coming onto his lips as the obviousness struck him.

"We'll say you're a prince from the Realm Below, journeyed here to find a husband."

"And why didn't I say it before?" Jackson released the bars and walked to stand in front of Barrett.
