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"Jackson Walker," Jackson responded, trying to ignore the word prince that he for sure heard a moment ago.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jackson," Barrett replied with a bow. "What exactly are you doing here?"

Jackson's hand scrubbed over the back of his neck as his skin grew hot with embarrassment. The most handsome man he'd ever seen was a fucking prince, and he was about to admit he was here to steal.

"I've seen your realm through breaks in the clouds. It's interesting—so different from cloud break to cloud break. One moment, I'm staring down onto a farm, but if I travel about thirty minutes, I see tall buildings like the castle but far more rectangular and narrow."

Jackson chuckled at that. "That's America for you. I was here because my farms in trouble. I need seeds - or food - I can sell. When I saw your garden …" He let his voice trail off, hoping Barrett didn't make him discuss his theft out loud.

"I know I must seem strange to you—a man among giants." His voice grew heavy, a mournful moan lacing his words. "But my heritage gifts me magic that the others don't possess. Magic that could aid in growing your farm. I'm not a giant, but I can grow to their size."

"How do I know I can trust you? A handsome face isn't enough to earn trust."

A flush crept up Barrett's cheeks, and Jackson couldn't stop his smirk.

"Because I need something from you as well. It would not be blind trust, but a trade."

Jackson wasn't about to point out that he had absolutely nothing to trade this man. Still, he’d hear Barrett out and determine if there was a way to take what he needed without screwing him over too badly because the guy seemed like a nice one.

"I can enchant the crops, yield a bountiful harvest… But," Barrett's voice hitched with a haunting desperation, "I need your help first."

"We established that. Pretty sure whatever you're going to ask is not as bad as learning I was trying to steal food to feed myself."

"I need you to come with me to my stepfather. Offer him your world in exchange for me leaving with you for a short time. He'll never see the realm below, but it will allow me time to escape and pay you back with my magic."

Jackson's brow furrowed. The sound of his heartbeat pounded in his own ears. Could he believe this tale? Could he trust this man?

Can you afford not to if he'll make your crops grow?

"So, what you're really asking for is …"


"Freedom," Jackson echoed, the word heavy on his tongue. It was something he fought for every day back home. The parallel in their struggles wove a thread of empathy within him.

Barrett's gaze seemed to search Jackson's face. "Yes, freedom," he confirmed, his voice alight with the fervor of a man who'd spent too long in shackles.

"You have every right to doubt me," Barrett replied. "But like your farm, I'm teetering on the edge of ruin. We can either save each other or let each other fall. And I'm not fond of falling."

Jackson considered the offer. The silence between them swelled until it was filled by a distant laughter — probably giants from afar.

Shivers ran down Jackson's spine.

Fucking giants are as well as that damn plant and all this food.

"I'll help you," Jackson decided, the words sounding foreign yet determined to his ears.

Barrett's face broke into a relieved smile, reaching out a hand to shake Jackson's. "You won't regret this. I'll make sure of it."

Their hands met in a firm grip, and the laughter stopped as if driven off by the silent pact made amongst the clouds.

"Worst case scenario, we find ourselves in a tight spot, I'll get us out." Barrett's smile was filled with caution.

"How are you so sure?" Jackson couldn't help but question.

"Because," Barrett's voice held a secret spark, "My magic's stronger than he knows. I've been preparing for this for a long time. Come on then."

Silence fell again, and Jackson couldn't help but wonder if he wasn't being a sucker for a pair of blue eyes and enough food to save his farm.
