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"We'll be off to my home before the next day?"

Barrett only nodded, his gaze focused on the castle.

Their footsteps matched in rhythm as the castle grew closer. The towering structure loomed overhead, casting a shadow that could engulf entire fields back on Earth.

A guard's massive form towered over Jackson and Barrett, his armor gleaming in the sunlight. His size was truly monstrous, his broad shoulders nearly as wide as the castle walls. His face was rugged and weathered, with a stern expression that seemed to strike fear into any who dared look at him. His voice was deep and booming, echoing through the air like thunder.

"Who dares approach the castle of the King of Giants?"

Jackson's stomach twisted into knots. The man was a living embodiment of a nightmare nightmares.

Sweat beaded on Jackson's brow, and his heart hammered in his chest, drowning out all other sounds but the thunderous footsteps of the guard. He swallowed hard, trying to push past his fear as Barrett introduced himself and explained their purpose. The giant scrutinized them both with an icy glare before speaking in a voice that rumbled like a distant storm.

"Who dares approach?"

Barrett stepped forward, shielding Jackson in a manner Jackson couldn't help but find heroic. "I dare."

The guard's eyes flickered to Jackson, a mixture of amusement and scorn on his gargantuan face. With a grunt that rolled like distant thunder, he motioned them forward inside the gate with iron balls as tall as a three-story building.

Jackson's stomach churned with anxiety, but he allowed Barrett to guide him forward. Each step was one closer to an uncertain fate, yet the farmer from Earth moved with a courage he hadn't known he possessed. For his farm, for this prince, for a chance at averting total ruin—Jackson would stride into the heart of danger. For what were giants to a man whose spirit refused to be crushed?

The grand doors opened with a sound that mimicked the creaking branches of ancient trees. The hall within was vast, the air humming with the murmured conversations of its inhabitants. As they made their way towards the throne, Jackson could sense eyes on him, the whispers growing louder.

As they were continued inside, everything felt larger than life— even the air itself seemed to weigh down on Jackson's lungs. The castle itself was a marvel of archaic architecture and magical energy that hummed beneath its opalescent surface. Vines crawled up walls and wrapped around pillars, adding an ethereal beauty to the otherwise imposing structure.

Every movement was amplified by the acoustics. Every step echoed through vast halls that seemed to stretch on forever. The scent of ozone mixed with celestial flowers hung in the air, a combination of both wondrous and eerie.

They ascended winding staircases made from living wood to reach what could only be described as a throne room - high above Earth itself.

Jackson's heart leaped into his throat as his gaze traveled up the gleaming golden throne that would be the envy of every dragon in every story he'd ever read.

There, upon his throne, sat the giant king — a behemoth of a being whose very presence seemed to make the air around him tremble with authority.

The giant king towered over them, a mountain of muscle and bone, his form adorned in regal armor that seemed to dwarf even his vast frame. He leaned back on a throne made from what appeared to be petrified gold, his piercing black gaze fixing on Jackson.

His armor shimmered in the ethereal light cast by countless floating crystals embedded within the ceiling, reflecting off the intricate patterns engraved into its surface. His breaths came out as deep, rumbling growls that seemed to shake the very foundation of the castle.

As they made their way closer to the throne, Jackson couldn't help but feel as if he were nothing more than an ant beneath their gaze. The giant guards stopped at regular intervals, allowing them time to catch their breath before continuing onward. It was clear that even moving about this place took immense effort for someone of Jackson's stature. But despite everything, he refused to break stride or show any sign of weakness. He knew that this was his only chance at saving his farm—at giving him and his aunt hope for a better future.

"Father," Barrett called out, his voice not betraying a single note of fear. "I have brought a human who seeks your audience."

Father? Jackson made a mental note to figure out what the fuck was going on later.

The giant leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Indeed. . . and what does this human offer?"

Jackson took a deep breath, his moment had arrived. His heart jackhammered in his chest with enough force to break free, but he forced his voice into a calm and even tone.

"I came from the … from below the clouds. I am the ruler of my own kingdom - the Walker Farm. I am lonely without someone to rule by my side."

He continued to speak, spewing utter nonsense that he couldn't remember or even hear because the terror running through him seemed to block sound from his ears.

"I offer you the chance to harvest from my world—a place of untapped resources for someone of your might. Countless opportunities. In exchange, I seek your heir's help in saving my farm."

"And what do you say of this, my son? What bargain have you struck with this little man?"

Barrett walked with an air of calculated confidence that belied his apparent submission. his eyes never left the king's face. It was clear that despite living under the giant's rule, there were secrets about this man.

Secrets you don't need to uncover.
