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At the idea of the human going down a sinful image flickered through his mind of the muscular male on his knees before Barrett, lips opened wide.

"Step three. Get laid before returning home. It'll make me a much better prince."

Nodding as if to convince himself, Barrett pushed off the stone wall and started off toward the garden, knowing that he could only be gone so long before someone found him missing.



"Iwonder which I'll remember as harder," Jackson huffed as he yanked at a carrot until it launched him backward. "Scaling that damn stalk or pulling out the harvest."

Huffing, he wiped the back of his arm over his brow, trying to stop the drips of sweat from stinging his eyes.

Of course, he could slice into the fruits and vegetables - only take portions of them - but if he could throw it down in one piece, he could make a fortune. Not that he really believed anything would stay whole after falling from this height.

"Brilliant idea. Steal the giant food and pray I can chuck it past the clouds to the ground. Clouds I don't understand how I'm standing on, never mind how I expect to throw food through them. Cause it's not like I'm walking these back to the hole like I thought."

Standing, he ignored the throbbing starting in his left butt cheek and went back to the carrot.

"I can help you with that."

Jackson's eyes darted upright, shocked as hell that a human must live here.

A very handsome human.

Jackson let his gaze trail over the man who'd seemingly materialized out of thin air.

The stranger was unlike anyone Jackson ever laid eyes on. The newcomer was tall and lean, with an otherworldly grace in his movements as he stepped forward with his arm extended. The strong, angular jawline and high cheekbones of this man's face were framed by a cascade of raven-black hair falling just below his shoulders. His eyes, however, were what held Jackson captive—a breathtaking shade of amethyst that glittered like the stars on a clear night sky.

Jackson's heart rate quickened, a mixture of awe and desire coursing through his veins as he struggled to process the surreal encounter.

The man's beautiful features were marred only by a frown, which deepened as he accused Jackson of stealing food that rightfully belonged to his people.

His clothes, while adorned with intricate embroidery, looked out of place compared to Jackson's rural jeans and ratty white tee.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on there!" Jackson blurted out, raising his hands defensively. "I'm not stealing anything! I found this feast just lying around, and I figured it would go to waste if I didn't take it." His words tumbled out in a rush, fueled by a mix of guilt and indignation.

A flicker of something crossed the stranger's eyes. Sorrow, maybe, or could it be sympathy? Before Jackson could decipher the emotion, it vanished as quickly as it had appeared, replaced by a steely determination.

Jackson wasn't a fighter, but he was no push over, either, and this man, while attractive, was not a fighter either.

"It's of no difference to me. What I'm curious about is how you came to be here."

Jackson ignored the carrot, his focus on trying not to stare at the man. "So, beanstalks growing from down below up here aren't a common occurrence?"

"I can safely say I've never seen one before, but it bears the same magic of this realm. That cannot be doubted."

"This realm," Jackson leaned against a giant cucumber stalk. "I know I'm awake, but I'm not sure how I'm awake. I took a crazy shot in the dark, and the next thing I know, I'm compelled to climb up a fucking beanstalk."

"Welcome," the man said, a note of amusement in his voice, "to the realm of the Giants. My home. Well, the home I've been stolen away to."

Jackson gaped at the breathtaking sight before him, unable to find words to do it justice. "It's beautiful," he breathed at last.

"It is," the man agreed, a hint of longing in his voice. "But it is also a dangerous place for one such as you …"


"Forgive me," the man said, offering a sheepish smile. "My name is Barrett. Prince Barrett Blackwood."
