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Nox strips out of his clothes, the blue cotton pants willowing down to the sand the only barrier he had on. I try, really really try, not to stare at his dick, but I’m only so strong. He is glorious. His dick is the same exact color as the rest of him, and is smooth, all the way down, almost like marble, but softer looking somehow. He is pretty impressive in length, and average in girth, but he is the same all the way around, no head like I’ve seen on other creatures. When he steps into the blue water, it seems like his dick swells, like he gets bigger when the water touches his skin. When his tail forms, his cock gets covered in scales, though it still stands prominent waiting for me.

“Come on, Killer. Get in the water.”

He chuckles and starts singing the viral TikTok song, luring me into the gentle water. I chuckle as I take off my corset top and leather shorts, watching him wade in the water and listening to his beautiful voice crooning to me. I can feel his magic surround me, but I’m not dazed like I’ve seen other people become. Instead, it feels like his magic closes around me, cradling me in a warm embrace and protecting me from some unseen foe.

I walk into the lagoon, circling my arms around Nox’s neck and allowing him to swim us deeper into the water. He keeps singing, changing the song to a soft tune. I think I remember it from the cartoon movie about the mermaid wishing she was human. In the movie, the song is upbeat and happy, the little crab trying to persuade the girl to stay in the water, but the way Nox sings it is soft and slow, almost haunting.

When we get to the middle of the Lagoon, Nox stops swimming, smiling at me. I let go of his neck, leaning back I bend back over his arms so my head is resting in the water and I’m looking up at the stars in the sky. Nox changes the song again. Singing a song about finding love, and holding onto it. I float in the water, watching the night sky and listening to Nox sing. As my eyes close, I feel so free, happy. I can’t believe how much has changed in such a short time, but I don’t want to change it.

I can feel Nox’s dick nudging against my thighs, and heat builds in my belly. I want him. We’re all alone, swimming in the water and he is being patient, singing to me, calling to my libido as his song changes to a sultry tune. He sings about love hurting, and needing me.

I spread my legs, offering him to take what we both need as my eyes drop from the stars to settle onto his bright gaze. He slowly sinks into me, gently rocking his hips back and forth, sliding inside of me, inch by torturous inch. His song fades out as his breath catches in his chest. I feel like my whole body is shaking, calling for more, but loving the slowness. I can feel the scales, but they are so soft. When he moves to slide out, they catch inside of me, like they want to hold us together. He pushes deeper and those scales seem to vibrate inside of me, driving me wild.

A soft gasp leaves my lips and it pushes him over the edge, out of his daze. The siren goes wild. His tentacles come out, wrapping around my arms and legs, holding me still as his hands move to my hips. One of the tentacles moves to cover my chest, the little suction cups on the bottom sucking on my skin, latching onto both my nipples like little mouths. I feel the tip of one brush against my clit as Nox slams into my body, sinking to the base of his cock. He pulls out and I can feel the tug of his scales. It doesn’t hurt, but it feels so different.

I cry out and Nox smirks at me. His tentacles tighten around me and I can’t do anything but watch him fuck me and feel everything he is doing to my body. My arms and legs are shaking and I can feel my orgasm drawing closer and closer. So fucking close. I close my eyes, trying to absorb all the feelings, every sensation, but a sharp slap against my clithas my eyes flaring wide again.

“Watch me as you come, Killer. I want to see every ounce of pleasure in your eyes, I want you to see who is making you feel like this. Eyes on me.”

My gaze locks with his and I watch his face as he speeds his thrust, the tentacle still rubbing my clit in hard fast circles. Another tentacle finds its way to my ass and the ones holding my legs spreads them apart further so the other can sink into my ass, slowly. The sensation is so different from the rough thrust into my pussy that I cry out, wiggling begging for more, yet asking for it all to stop for just a second so I can catch my breath. Nox ignores me as his cock swells inside of me. He leans down, taking us under water. He kisses me, his sharp teeth cutting through my bottom lip as he cries out, his come splashing inside of me.

The pain and the feeling of his release is enough to push me over the edge I’d been toying with. I come hard, my eyes squeezing shut for a split second before I remember his words to keep my eyes on him. I stare into his glowing eyes as I come around him, my pussy clenching onto him. Love pours from his gaze, a pure, unfiltered love. Our connection grows deeper and I can hear the thoughts in his mind as his heartbeat seems to layer next to mine. I can feel the twins and Glavior’s beating hearts there as well, as if they all sync their own hearts to mine and we became one. Fucking Nox binds my connection to my other mates tighter. The only one missing seems to be Dree and I’m a bit sad to realize it.

Nox kisses me again, his tentacles all leaving my body, as his kiss slows down. His eyes never leave mine and I listen to his thoughts as he tells me how perfect I am, how happy he is that he gets to keep me, and goes into graphic details about what he would do to anyone that tries to separate him from me. I can’t help but smile, even as I’m a bit distracted by thoughts of Dree and the distance I can feel in our bond.

“Come on, Killer.” Nox says, moving his head back just a fraction of an inch, his lips still brushing against mine as he speaks. “Let’s go get our Druid.” Nox cradles me to his chest, pulling himself out of my body and smiling when I whimper at the loss.

I can’t help it though, sex feels amazing and it’s always sad when it’s over. I may be becoming addicted to dick.

Chapter 21

We swim to the shore and I teleport back to Dree, both of us still naked as he has our packs with our clothes. When we appear in front of him, Dree actually jumps back, a bit surprised. Nox and I both smile and Nox signs to Dree.

Scared of a beautiful naked mate, Dree? Or are you worried you can’t compete with this dick?

Dree rolls his eyes and tosses Nox his pack, hitting him in the dick with it and causing a pained expression to fall on Nox’s face. I just giggle, enjoying their antics. I dress in a short leather skirt, no panties and a bralette. I don’t intend to do anymore killing tonight, deciding to let my mates handle those at the Slum since my magic took away their fun here at the keep. Glavior and the twins walk up from the castle as I’m adjusting my top. I smile at them, surprised none of them are covered in blood because I left a mess. Looking around the courtyard, I don’t see any bodies, just scorch marks on the ground that are slowly disappearing as more grass grows to replace the burnt places.

“Glavior gathered all the bodies to one spot and the twins burned them all down with Hellfire. I’m regrowing the grass so nobody can see where they went.” Dree explains.

I smirk and nod, accepting their clean up methods. The twins walk up to me and each of them hug me, Cerise’s arms over Onyx’s as they both wrap around my middle. The twins nuzzle into my neck and Glavior steps up to my front, wrapping his arms around all four of us. He leans down until his forehead rests on mine, his tusks cupping my cheeks like he is so fond of doing. I bathe in the affection, letting my heart beat in time with theirs. I can feel Nox there too, not touching but standing close, his heart beating in sync with ours. The only one I don’t feel as acutely is Dree. Looking up, I see him smiling at us as he readjusts the packs, closing mine and adding it to the pile. Nox waves a hand in my face, drawing my attention.

We need to go. He signs, pointing at something in the sky. I wiggle myself free of the boys and look up, watching as Fowlynn flies closer, Gynnie right beside him. Fowlynn lands on my head and Gynnie lands on Glavior’s shoulder. Fowlynn bends his neck so his face is close to mine, but upside down. Smiling, I reach up and rub his feathers, smiling at the bird. I’ve kind of missed him as he flew back and forth between me and Ahazu. I’m guessing Az is close because Gynnie is with him and she is never far from Az.

“Hello, Fowlynn. I’ve missed you!”

I’ve missed you too. Soon this mission will be done and we can finally get some time off with the whole family. He huffs, I know that he loves working with me, but I fear I may be pushing his patience lately. He just went a long time without seeing his mate just to be pulled away again too soon. Az and the others are waiting by the village. You and our mates need to clear it of any guards or buyers then they can go in and help the children.

I try to nod, but Fowlynn caws and ruffles his feathers, digging his talons into my scalp a bit to hold on. I grin sheepishly at him and shrug my shoulders. Apologizing without words. I didn’t mean to jostle him.

“Okay, we are going.”

I wave a hand at Dree who focuses and moves his hands in front of him, opening a portal. The twins gather all of our packs and toss them into a shadow pocket, I narrow my gaze at them, wondering why they couldn’t do that on the trip. Actually, why couldn’t we have just portated into the Dragon’s chambers and killed him then portal out? Why make us go on this long adventure to do something that would have taken less than thirty minutes if they used their magic?

I open my mouth, but before I can ask the questions swirling in my mind, the portal opens and Dree urges us to go through. Glavior walks through first, taking Gynnie with him. The twins follow after with Nox close on their heels. Finally, Dree and I are the last ones and he nods towards the portal, asking me to go first. I kiss his cheek on the way past and step into the portal. I can feel Dree’s heat at my back as we walk through the green swirl of magic. When I step out of the portal, the guys aren’t there. Fowlynn flies off as soon as we are through and I freeze, trying to gauge if there is a threat nearby. Dree plows into me as he steps out and closes the portal. His hands fly to my waist as he tries to keep us up on our feet.

Together, we tumble to the ground. I land with Dree on top of me, holding his weight off of me with one arm while holding my waist with his free hand. My thighs are spread wide around his hips and I can feel his body contoured to mine. The breath catches in my lungs as I stare into his eyes. I’ve never been able to see the detail in his gaze like I can now. The dark green orbs have swirls of brown throughout them with flakes of gold here and there. His deep earth scent alluring as I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him closer to me, needing the connection I feel with my other men to be as strong with my Druid.

“Astrate, Love, are you sure? Druids mate for life. Right now, we can let the fragile bond sever and you’d have a chance to be free of me, but if we do this, if we do what your body is begging for, then we’ll be linked forever.”
