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I don’t have to think of the answer. I mean, I get why he is asking. I spent most of this quest doing everything I could to avoid them as my mates. But now that I can feel the bond with the others, all I can think about is having that same connection with him. I need him, I need to complete the bond. I don’t want to fight it anymore, I haven’t for a while now if I’m being honest with myself. Dree has always been the one I liked the most. He is sweet, smart, and powerful. He takes the time to explain shit and he hasn’t judged me once.

“Fuck me Dree, complete the bond and stay with me.”

Okay, I could have said that a bit better, but the result is the same. Dree moves his hand off my waist and snaps his fingers. The earth moves around us, creating a wall of dirt and trees to shield us and Dree’s pants disappear as if he weren’t wearing any to begin with. He lifts my skirt, not bothering to take off any of my clothes as he touches me like a man possessed. I don’t blame him, I'm just as desperate for him as he seems to be for me.

I glance down, looking at his hard body. His skin is soft to the touch, but hard underneath, like a tree with a velvet covering. His dick is no different, with grooves and knots like an actual tree branch. He is thick and long … perfection. He lines himself up with my entrance and thrusts deep into me with one swift motion. It's a bit uncomfortable, how unforgiving his cock is. It’s hard, not like the others, but like an actual wood dildo or something. There is no give, no bend, just an unrelenting cock that pushes and pulls out of my body..

The discomfort gives way to pleasure and I don’t try to stay quiet. I gasp out his name, moaning as he picks up speed. His hands run all over me and I can feel soft vines circle my legs, tugging my legs open and adjusting my body to pose the way Dree wants me. By the time my orgasm roars through me, I’m a sobbing, sweaty mess. Dree is barely holding on, his hands grasping me so hard, I’m sure I’ll be sore the next day.

“Fuck, Love. I can’t take it. Your hot pussy squeezing my cock like this. So fucking good, so perfect. My perfect little fucking mate.” He growls into my ears, his lips trailing down my neck as he thrusts hard, hitting my G spot and making stars burst behind my eyes.

I come hard, my hands clinging to his back. My legs wrap around him, ankles locked behind his back and tearing the vines from the earth, Dirt covers us both and it seems to excite him more. He grinds his hips against mine as he comes deep inside of me, his dick doesn’t swell like the others, but it does feel like it got a bit longer, setting his come deeper into me. He holds himself inside me, locking his come inside of me as he rubs my belly in small, soothing circles.

“I can’t wait to see you round with our child, can’t wait to watch your breasts swell and feel your pussy getting tighter as you carry our baby inside of you. It will happen, sooner rather than later if I have any say in it. I’ll plant my seed inside of you so fucking deep, over and over again until the gods can do nothing but bless us with a child. Then I’ll do it over and over again to make sure it sticks.”

He grunts and though the thought of having a child right now terrifies me, his dirty words excite my body, I picture myself running through the woods, trying to get away from the crazed druid. When he catches me, he holds me down and ruts into my body, breeding me and forcing me to accept him into my body over and over again until I’m pregnant. Fuck!

That image should not be as appealing as it is. For now, I don’t want to think about why my pussy is getting wet again or why I’m internally debating whether or not he would chase me through these woods and reenact that naughty scene. Nope, not thinking about it.

A rustling of trees draws us out of our mating induced bubble, reminding us that we are in the middle of the woods outside of a village filled with abused children. A metaphorical bucket of water being tossed onto our heads. I can feel his heartbeat synced with mine and I finally feel complete. My magic surges inside of me, swirling with bits of all five of the guys. I feel something click in my chest then more magic floods my center. The gift of the goddess no doubt, but its too much. My eyes snap shut as pain explodes inside of me. Everything feels like it’s on fire, like there's too much magic for my body to contain. The world around me starts to go black as I hear Dree’s panicked voice fade away with my consciousness.

I wake up on a familiar path. Snakes, rats, bats, and spiders crawl, slither, and fly around me. Each of them calling out happily as they trail over my arms, legs, and belly. My head feels like it’s splitting in two and each sound echoes in my ears. I groan, but even that hurts at the moment.

I can feel the earth shaking below me and my memories slowly start to come back. I was with Dree, we just completed our bond then my magic surged and pain was the last thing I can remember. What happened? Why am I in the Goddesses’ realm? The only way to find out is to go to her.

Slowly, I find my feet. My legs shake with the effort of just standing and I’m close to collapsing again when the Rat god steps in front of me. He lowers his front legs, kneeling low as if waiting for something. I feel a thick, scaled appendage wrap around my waist and I’m lifted into the air. My head whips around and I see the Snake god lifting me up. He slowly, gently sets me down on the Rat’s back, and webs latch around my waist, holding me onto the Rat. The Spider god scurries ahead, chasing the Bat through the sky.

I’m so beyond confused about what is happening. Never have the gods helped me on this journey, but they seem to be in a hurry. I won’t complain because the way my body is feeling, I'm not sure I would have made it on my own. My magic is still surging out of control. It feels like it’s ripping its way through me, scorching everything inside of me on its quest to be free. I cough and my hands shake when I see red splotches of blood coating my fingers.

I’m dying. My magic is killing me. I can feel it now. I can feel my life draining from me with each second that ticks by. I used to think that I didn’t care if I lived or died. Az has his mates and though I know he would hurt, they would make sure he is okay. I had nothing holding me to life before, but now …. Now I have my mates. I just got them and I’m not ready to leave them yet. I want to be with them, want to know what it’s like to have a family, to be happy. I want to run from Dree in the woods and have long, boring conversations with Nox. I want to play with the twin’s hounds and help Glavior slaughter the Orc village that treated him so badly.

I can feel tears running down my face as we approach the Goddess. She is furiously stirring her cauldron, glancing up at the sound of our entrance. She seems a bit worried as she watches her mates shift and work together to set me on the cot next to the Goddess.

I try to look around the room, but my vision is going fuzzy. I keep coughing, more blood splattering on the pristine white floor. My body is so weak. The Goddess’s brother, Ahazu runs in from the other side of the room, Az following closely behind him. The God rushes to his sister’s side, the two of them whispering together as she works fast. Az crumbles to his knees on my side, tears running down his face as he clutches my hand in his own.

“Big sister, what did you do to yourself? Glavior told me you weren’t fighting, how did this happen?” He cries, and my heart breaks. I wish he never saw me like this, but I’m grateful for the chance to say goodbye.

“Az, Little brother. I’m so happy to see you.” My words split off in a fit of coughing, more blood spewing out as the Goddess makes a distressed sound in the back of her throat and the Gods all rush around, doing their best to help. “I love you brother, don’t let my death linger in your heart. Know that I will always be with you. Watching you, protecting you.”

Ahazu cries harder, shushing me as he soothes my hair away from my face. “Don’t talk like that Astra. The Goddess will fix this, whatever this is.”

“I don’t think she can this time, Az. The magic is too strong. My body can’t handle it, it’s ripping me open inside.”

The Goddess makes a happy noise at my words then everyone around me seems to move at super speed. I can only focus on my brother. His forehead against mine as we link our hands together. We’ve done this so many times. Even as babies, we’d do this. We let our emotions flow freely between us, telling each otherGoddess everything we couldn’t say aloud. My magic surges again and I gasp quietly. I see the rushing to my side and hear Az cry out my name as the world fades to black again. This is it, my death. At least I got to feel the love of my mates, I got to see my brother one last time and tell him I love him. I can go peacefully knowing they will take care of each other.


Power explodes out of Astrate and knocks me on my ass. My head hits the ground hard and the sky above me blurs for a second. My magic crashes down around me and the walls I erected to keep us private fall back down, the dirt settling into where it’s supposed to be. I sit up slowly, my head pounding. My eyes fall onto Astrate and all the air in my lungs rushes out in one big huff. She isn’t moving, her chest isn’t rising and falling. She isn’t breathing. I try to get to her side, but I’m blocked by a wall of magic. I pound on the barrier, screaming, so desperate that my words don’t even register in my mind.

I keep pounding on the magic wall, my hands bloody and bruised. My brothers surround me, each one of them trying to get to Astrate and asking me what happened. Nothing changes and we stand there staring at our mate as she lays unmoving for so, so fucking long.

Falling to my knees, tears roll down my face as my heart cracks in two. This can’t be happening. I finally got the woman of my dreams and now she is just …. Gone.

My head bows as sobs fall from my chest, unable to hold back the emotions. Ahazu runs from out of the trees and the magic barrier doesn’t stop him. I can see his face from where I’m kneeling on the ground. He is crying as well and my heart falls like lead into my stomach. If Az is crying, then it must be true. Astrate is dead.

I watch as Az waves his hands over Astra, white magic hovering over body. He keeps his eyes on hers and I can feel the magic wall cracking in front of me, but my body won't move. Glavior falls to his knees beside me, then the twins. The only one still standing is Syrinox, and I glance up to see he is crying too. All of us love her, more than anything else in this world, but we can’t do anything to help right now.

Ahazu huffs out a tired sigh, then falls to Astrate’s side, his arms wrapped around his sister protectively as her chest rises with a breath. She’s alive! But, what the hell just happened.
