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The guards on the outside of the door are easy to kill. I decapitate the one on the right and let my magic play with the one on the left, genuinely delighted to watch as all the blood in his body is sucked out, mummifying the man in seconds. My magic is a bit scary at times. I send it out, directing it to find anyone complacent with the Dragon’s ring and kill them. The great thing about my magic is that it is intention based, so I only have to have an intent in mind, a goal and a purpose, and my magic will do as I want. A pink ribbon of magic flares away from me and I watch it turn the corner for a second before making my way back to the ballroom.

Nox is still singing, his beautiful voice holding the guests hostage, unable to move without his permission. I smile at him when I walk in and he continues to sing as he lifts his hands to sign at me.

Is it done?

I nod, smiling wider and motioning at the blood covering my body. He smirks, keeping the song going as he signs again.

How are you going to tell who is innocent here?

“I’m goddess blessed. My magic has the ability to read souls. Keep singing for a bit longer and I’ll handle business here. Once this is done, we can go home.”We still have to clean up the Slum. Your brother should be almost there.

I sent Fowlynn to get Ahazu and his mates to help heal the children at the Slum and they agreed. With their connections, Elizis and Dree set up a carriage for them to get there faster than it took us to walk, So we should have enough time to get there by foot and clean out the Dragon’s men before Ahazu and his Quad go in.

Pushing the Slum from my mind, I cast my magic out to point out the men and women in the room with corrupt hearts. I don’t particularly care if they knew of the Dragon’s dealing. If they are wicked, I kill them. One jab through the heart as they stand there immobilized by Nox’s magic. In the end, only one person was left standing. A young girl, probably not even eighteen yet. Nox stops singing and the girl has tears streaming from her closed eyes. Her body is shaking like a leaf and I almost feel bad for her.

“Go, get out of here and don’t stop.” I say. The girl rushes out, not glancing around or stopping for anything.

Nox walks up to me and circles his arms around my waist from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. He laughs in my ear, and I’m not sure what he thinks is so funny, but I don’t ask. He’ll tell me eventually.

“You’re quite messy, Killer. We should teleport back to the lagoon and clean up.” He wiggles his brow at me, and desire burns through my body. I’d love nothing more than to be naked in the lagoon with Nox.

“Let's check on the guys first, then we can clean up before heading to the Lagoon.”

Nox takes my hand and together we walk out of the Keep. Tonight was perfect. Definitely a memory I’ll cherish forever, my first date with Nox.

Chapter 20

When we get outside, we walk right into a group of angry mates. Glavior actually has steam coming from his nostrils and the twins are shifted into their hound forms, both frothing at the mouth and growling. The only one that doesn’t seem upset is Dree and he is laughing quietly, his shoulders shaking and his face red. All around us, the guards are lying dead on the ground with blue faces covered in blood, though none of my mates have a drop on them.

“Why are you guys so mad? Also, can I say your hound forms are fucking adorable?” I smile at the twins, who immediately stop the growling and start circling me and Nox, nudging their heads into my belly and back.

“You said,” Glavior huffs, his teeth bared and a fire burning in his eyes. It’s kind of hot, which isn’t good for me because I’m already a bit turned on from Nox. “That we could kill the guards outside, then right as we get to the gate, your magic comes cooking out of the castle doors and all the guards just drop dead!”

Rolling my eyes, I smile sheepishly at Glavior. I did feel a bit bad. I should have specified that my magic should only search the house. I guess when I asked it to kill everyone with wicked intent, it got a bit too enthusiastic about doing as I asked.

“I didn’t do it on purpose, Glav. I sent my magic to dispose of people in the castle with wicked intent and it must have come out here to finish the sweep. I’ll make sure I specify my intent better next time.” I try to placate him, and as I explain what happened, he does seem to calm a bit more. Walking away from the twins and Nox, I circle his waist with my arms and rest my head on his lower chest, the only place I can reach on the giant. He picks me up, bringing my face close to his.

“It’s fine, Little Pixie. I just really wanted to kill something. Did you have fun? Finish your assignment?” He asks, resting his forehead on mine. All the anger left him as soon as I explained myself and I love him for it.

“Yes, it was a great kill, all of them.”

“I opened a portal for the girl you sent running out of here. I’m going to portal us to the Slum too.” Dree says and my head snaps over to him in shock.

“You can portal?” I ask. Portalling takes a lot of magic, and so much control that most people don’t bother learning how to do it.

Dree nods, waving his hand in the air dismissively. A small smirk on his lips no doubt at my tone and shock. Dree has been hiding how powerful he is behind his knowledge of the supernatural. This whole damn trip could have been over weeks ago if he would have just portaled us here.

“Yes, I learned when my parents and the rest of my family moved back to Faerie. I wanted to stay in touch with them.” I stare at Dree for a second, wonder and awe swirling through my chest.

Nox walks up and tugs on the ends of my hair to get my attention.

Let's wash off and handle the Slum so we can go home and sleep in a real bed.

I nod, kissing Glavior’s cheek and asking him to put me down. I turn and look at the bodies around me. Nodding again, I glance at the twins who are playing in their hound forms then to Nox, who is splattered with blood from where I killed the party goers and some splashed on him.

“Okay, I’m going to transport me and Nox to the Lagoon to bathe, you guys get rid of the bodies here and send the staff home. We’ll meet you back here in an hour, then Dree can portal us to the Slum. I guess you guys can clear out the Slum since you didn’t get any action here, but only if this place is cleaned up.”

The twins yip out happily then share a look before taking off, one to the left and one to the right. Glavior huffs and walks into the castle and Dree kisses my head then follows Glavior inside. I grab Nox’s hand and use my magic to transport us to the Lagoon, back to the camp we used two days ago. The Lagoon is just as beautiful tonight as it was the other night. The moon sparkles on the water, the spirits playing in the water.
