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“Little Pixie!” Glavior groans, almost whining my name and I smirk, walking back to hover over his dick.

I squat down over him and use my hands to line him up with my center. My feet stay flat on the floor and I slowly bend my knees to push down onto his dick. He groans, his hip pumping up to try and make me move faster, but I just go back up, pulling myself off the head of his dick again. He growls, his arms flexing as he fights the desire to pull me down onto his dick and sink to the base of his cock inside of me, I can see the desire to rush me in his eyes, and I smirk at him.

“Stay still or I’ll have to start all over again. Be a good boy Glavior and let me take this at my own pace. I promise you’ll get to come soon.” He nods, but he growls again as I sink slowly down his cock. His head is inside of me and I stop again, staring into his eyes. “Thank you for wanting to mate with me Glavior, for being honest with me.” I say, then I snap my hips down and take him completely inside of me.

His dick is so fucking big, the stretch is almost painful. I feel like he is touching everything inside of me and I want to squirm, to move just to relieve the pressure. Glavior’s head is thrown back, he roars out, causing birds to take flight, calling out their fright. I can feel the twins' concern in the bond, and I think the sound woke up Dree and Syrinox. We don’t have long before the others come rushing to save us from Glavior’s pleasure.

“Naughty Glavior, you’ve got the others scared now we have to hurry and make you come or we’ll have company.” I smirk when he meets my eyes. I let him see my wicked intent in my eyes and enjoy the sight of his widening.

I start to really move then, bouncing up and down on his dick, slamming myself down hard over and over again as he cries out. His legs start to shake and his dick gets impossibly bigger inside of me. I know he is close, and honestly, with the head of his cock hitting my G-spot over and over again, so am I. I’m rushing to the finish line for both of us. Glavior ignores the no touching rule, wrapping his hands around my waist and helping move me harder, faster until he shoves me onto his dick hard one last time and holds me there as he comes. I can feel him painting the inside of my womb with his come and it sets me off in my own earth shattering orgasm.

My magic explodes around us, rushing to meet his silver magic. She ties herself around him, pushing his magic beneath her, dominating it. The two magics battle for a second, but mine wins, making his surrender to her. Once he is fully submissive, my magic wraps around his like a shield, protecting him from everything. The other men’s magics come rushing to ours, circling mine, adding protection and burrowing under the shield to tangle with Glavior’s magic. They all knot together into one strong bond. It’s hard as titanium, as flexible as nylon, and they all blend together in a dazzling show that reminds me of moonbeams dancing off the surface of a pond in a forest clearing. Its so fucking beautiful.

“Holy shit!” Cerise’s voice has my eyes snapping open.

Glavior has his arms wrapped around me, holding me to him as he rests his forehead on my chest, his body shaking from how hard he came. I can feel our mess leaking out of me around his dick and I know I need to bathe, again. Turning to look over my shoulder, I see all of my mates staring at us. The twin’s mouths are hanging open, like little cartoons. Dree looks smug yet happy all at once, I can also see the heat in his gaze as he looks down my body to where Glavior and I are still connected. Syrinox is staring at the mark on my back. Awe, fear, and something else, maybe disbelief, in his eyes. I clear my throat and his eyes snap to mine. All the other emotions drain from his eyes, all but joy. Happiness. His hand is splayed out across his chest and I’m not sure what is going on with him, but I need to handle this with Glavior before I can try to decipher any other weird phenomena right now.

“Okay guys, back to lagoon, Glavior and I are on the way, just give us a second longer and we can all have a much needed conversation.” Dree nods, still smirking at me as he tugs on Syrinox and Onyx’s arms. Onyx grabs Cerise’s hands and the four of them make their way back to camp.

“Glavior, are you okay?” I ask him, a bit worried about how quiet he is and the fact that he is still shaking.

“I’m perfect now, Little Pixie. Although, I do have something for you, the last thing needed to complete our bond. It’s more symbolic, but your magic beat mine, so it’s yours anyway.” He reaches back and removes the necklace he has had on since I met him. I’ve honestly never seen him take it off, even to sleep and bathe. “This is my lamp, it is what I use to control my wish magic. Whoever has this has complete control of my magic, anything they want, I have to give them. And now it’s yours.”

Chapter 17

Glavior and I walk back to camp with his giant hand wrapped around mine. He stays half a step behind me and I can’t help but smirk as I’m starting to notice little things that he does. He often makes breakfast and makes sure I eat first. He has carried me multiple times because he didn't want me to get tired. So many tiny little gestures to prove he cares this week and I’m just now noticing them.

When we get into camp, Nox is waiting for us. He walks straight to my side and grabs my free hand. He still looks a bit shocked and his free hand rubs my back, his fingers tracing over the mark on my back, almost petting his mark.

“Little Moon! You’re back!” Cerise smiles wide, winking as he cooks something over the fire. I roll my eyes and drop the other two guys’ hands.

I rush to the water, wanting to rinse the forest floor and sex off of me before I eat. I’m not exactly surprised when Nox swims up beside me, his body more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. It’s like a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He seems … free. I’m genuinely happy for him, even if I’m a bit sad he had such a shitty family. I have half a mind to track down his mother and make sure she is dead after this mission.

Nox waves his hand in my face, drawing my attention so he can speak.

Will you come for a swim with me? I need to tell you something, but I don’t want the others to know yet.

I nod, following Nox further into the lagoon. We swim for a few minutes, just enjoying the water. I’m watching the water spirits play with the Kelpies, they seem so much sweeter now that a psycho merman isn’t using them as his personal army, or audience, I can’t quite figure it out.

When the guys are mere dots on the shore, and we’ve reached what I can guess in the middle of the lagoon, Nox stops and turns to face me. I expect his hands to start moving, for him to say whatever it is he doesn’t want the others to know, but what he does is so unexpected. I think I may have drowned if Nox didn’t wrap his arms around me and hold me to his chest.

“I love you.” A deep, raspy voice flows over my body as my eyes watch Nox’s mouth move.

I think I’m in shock.

Nox just spoke! Actually fucking words, from his voice! And the first thing he says after a decade of not being able to speak is that he loves me! He’s been acting like he can’t stand me for the last week, now all of a sudden … HE LOVES ME?!

“You can talk?!” I practically yell at the man, causing him to slap his hand over my mouth.

He is laughing, actually out loud laughing. It sounds like rusty bells, but it is so fucking beautiful. Melodic, but dull and a bit raspy, I guess it makes sense that a Siren whose magic is based on luring in victims would have a beautiful voice, but after ten years of not using it, it's going to be a bit rough.

“Yes, I can talk. When our bond was forged, the curse my mother put on my vocal cords broke.” He smiles at me, love and awe shining through his blue eyes and making tingles shoot through my body.

I can feel his hard body against mine, the scales on his chest scraping my skin and making gooseflesh pebble on my arms. He is warm, even in the water that’s cooler this far out than it is by the shore. My heart races and my body is starting to heat up again, desperate to feel his touch.

Not now you fucking hussy! We’ve already slept with three guys today! Don’t go turning into a whore! I chastise my newly activated libido, I really shouldn’t have sex with any more of them today.

Yeah, okay, maybe shouldn’t is a strong word.
