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“You’ve mated all of them, but not me. I’ve waited so long for you to realize that you’re my mate. At school, I tested your strength and found you worthy. I've tried to court you, tried to show you how useful I am, show you what a good male I am, but you still don’t want me. And even though you don’t want me, you still won't reject the bond. I just don’t know what more you want me to do. What more do I have to do to prove my love for you, Astrate?”

He sounds so fucking sad. My heart cracks in half as I look at him. Years of being picked on by his family, of being told he isn’t worthy of a mate or of his Orc blood and when he finally finds his mate, it's me. The broken girl who never thought the gods would give her mates and has done everything in her power to pretend like she doesn’t want them. Apparently, Glavior actually believed me. He only heard the same things his family always told him. That no woman would find him worthy, that he was unwanted. Somehow, by mating the twins, I’ve proved that I don’t want him.

“Glavior, I mated the twins because I had too. Well, I did kind of want to, but if we weren’t in that pit of Goddess Vipers I would have waited to mate them. At least until after the mission was complete. It had nothing to do with not wanting you or you not being worthy.”

“And Dree? Why did you mate him?”

I take half a step back at his words. What the hell is he talking about? I haven’t mated Dree. Right?

Glavior is staring at my face and the corner of his lips tip up. He shakes his head but doesn’t get off his knees or move to touch me. “Little Pixie, the marks on your chest is the Tree of Life, it's Dree’s family crest. The marks down both your arms are the Twins’ house crest,” he tells me.

I look down at myself for the first time since getting out of the lagoon. In the center of my chest, between my breasts, in a dark green symbol that looks like a circle with a tree in the middle, the branches of the tree connect with the roots and the circle has what looks like a filigree cross coming out of the top, bottom, and both sides. On my arms, I have the same triple moon symbol with a dagger going through it that I saw on the twins. On the left the symbol is black and on the right, the symbol is red, both ending at the scars left from the brothers biting me.

Thinking back, I remember that while we were in the lagoon, my back was burning too. Turning around, I look back at Glavior, moving my hair over my shoulder so he can see my whole back. “Is there something on my back?”

“So I’m the only one you haven't mated yet?” He asks, sounding more amused than before, but I can hear the echo of hurt in his tone as well.

“What the fuck does that mean? I haven’t slept with Dree or Syrinox!” I’m practically shouting at this point.

Glavior is still on his knees, I’m pretty sure he won’t get up until I tell him too. Marching closer to him, I grab his chin in my hand and pull his face close to mine. His tusks cup my cheeks like they did in the forest, our lips just a mere inch away from each other. Glavior’s eyes go wide again, his pupils dilating as he swallows hard and his breaths become choppy.

“Glav, are you saying I’ve somehow cemented the mate bond with Dree and Syrinox?”

“Yes.” His speech is a bit shaky, and I smirk at him.

If I’ve mated everyone else, then it is only fair that I mate him as well. At least then, we should be able to finish our mission. Maybe being a complete unit will give us an advantage somehow. I move just a smidge closer, my lips pressing against his as I whisper to him, staring into his eyes to see his reaction. My hands fall to his pants and I tug the string loose so they fall open and his dick pops out, hitting me in my thighs. The man is massive all over.

“Do you want to be the first one I knowingly mate without being under duress?”

“Oh gods yes.”

Glavior can barely get the words out. He stumbles over his own words, speaking so fast it sounds like one big word. His tusks slide against my face as he vigorously nods his head, moaning as I stroke his cock, my hand not closing completely around him. I step back, keeping my hand on his cock and looking down to see what I’m working with.

His dark blue dick is massive, just like I thought. He is probably as big as both the twins put together, definitely bigger than what I saw of Syrinox when we pulled him up on shore. If I have to guess, he is the biggest of my mates, but not impossible to take.

“Don’t move, hands laced behind your head so you don’t touch. If you move, I won’t let you come and you’ll have to wait to mate me until after the mission.” I tell him, wanting to see how far this dominance thing went.

His hands fly to his head, his large fingers locking together as he groans deep in his chest. I kneel down, resting my elbow on the ground and stick my ass up in the air so his dick is even with my chin, and I look into his eyes as I open as wide as I can and suck the head of his dick. Glavior groans, his body shaking with the effort to keep still and not touch. I moan around his girth and push forward to take in more of him. I’m only halfway down his shaft before he is bumping against the back of my throat, making me gag just a little. Swallowing, I push just a bit more and move both hands up to cover the rest that just won’t fit into my mouth.

I bob my head up and down, sucking his dick like it’s the last lollipop on earth and I don’t want to share. Glavior groans, curses and his body quivers, but he doesn’t move and his hands never leave his head. Such a good boy, listening to directions. I pull back, taking his dick out of my mouth and stand up so our faces are even again.

“You’re such a good boy, Glavior.” I whisper, leaning in to kiss his lips.

He rushes to meet my mouth with his, kissing me back like a man starved for affection, but he still doesn’t put his hands down. We kiss for a while, our tongues battling for dominance with mine winning every time. It's a heady, powerful feeling knowing I’m the one to bring this man to his knees. I remember him in school, remember his power, his physical strength. Now, he is at my mercy and something about knowing he trusts me this much, to let go and give me control, has my pussy so fucking wet. I know that I’ve already come today, that my legs are still a little sore from being with both the twins, but I need more. I need Glavior.

I pull away from the kiss and lick his tusks, wanting to see if they are as sensitive as the books at school say they are. Glavior moans, practically crying out as I lick the tip of his tusks with the flat of my tongue, cutting it enough to draw a small amount of blood, but not really hurting myself.

“Drop your arms and lay back.” I tell him.

Glavior doesn’t hesitate. His hands fall to his side and he stands up just long enough to sit on his ass before throwing himself on to his back, making the ground shake again. I watch his dick twitch as the air hits his wet shaft. Precum leaks from his head and his eyes stay locked on mine as I walk over to him, not stopping until my pussy is in clear view and I’m directly over top of him, standing with my feet on either side of his hips. He licks his lips, watching as I drag one hand down my throat. I rub myself down my chest, pinching a nipple hard, making myself moan, before dropping my hand lower to cup my pussy. Using one hand, I push my lips open, letting him see all of me. Using two fingers of my other hand, I dip them into my pussy and pump them into me a few times before pulling them out and showing Glavior how wet I am.

“Do you see what you do to me, Glavior? Do you see how much I want you?” He nods, watching as I stick those fingers into my mouth and suck them clean. “What do you want, Glavior? Do you want to taste me, or do you want me to ride your big cock and complete our bond?”

“Please, can I taste you first, Little Pixie?” he begs, his voice rough and on edge.

I nod and move to hover over his face. I sit gently, lining my thighs up to rest on his tusks. The tips of his tusks dig into my ass, breaking the skin so that blood runs down the white bones. Glavior’s hands come up to my hips and he tugs me down onto his face, his tongue diving between my lips, wasting no time tasting me. He practically roars into my pussy as my slick juices mix with my blood on his tongue. I’m so on edge, about to come right now. I try to stand up, try to make him stop, but his rough tongue feels so good against my clit. His tongue is coarse like a cat's tongue, and the scratch is almost painful but it has my body soaring with an orgasm in very little time. Once I calm down from the release I push his hands off my hips and stand up. The shallow punctures from his tusks are already healing, but his lips are coated in my come and my blood and a rush of possessive pride floods my chest.

“Hands behind your head Glavior, I can’t trust you not to touch. Thank you for making me come, you’ve earned a reward, so I’ll fuck you until you fill my pussy up with your come.”
