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“Oh fuck! Little Moon, you’re so fucking tight. Brother, you have to feel this.”

Cerise pulls all the way out of my pussy as Onyx steps closer, his arms crossing over Cerise’s to clutch my ass in his hands. Cerise spreads my thighs wider and Onyx pushes into my body. I can’t think straight as the brother takes turns thrusting into my body then pulling all the way out for the other to take his turn. I’m moaning, begging for more and I’d like to say I’m embarrassed but the brothers are being just as loud. Each of their groans and cries of pleasure drives me higher and higher. I watch as Onyx looks and Cerise then nods, wondering what the hell the two of them have planned, but more than willing to do whatever it is.

On the next thrust, I can feel not one, but both of them easing their way into my body. The stretch feels amazing, and I’m so close to coming. Onyx leans down to my right, and Cerise on my left. They whisper into my ears at the same time, their unique voice blending together and I have no choice but to do as they say.

“Come for us, Astrate. Make us yours.”

My body explodes into a thousand little pieces. Stars dance behind my eyes and I can feel the bond with them harden from a tiny string to a steel rod inside my chest. I can feel their pleasure pulsing with mine, then suddenly, my world is set on fire as they both bite down on my neck, right where it meets my shoulder. Literal flames shoot out around us and I can feel them come inside of me. The rings on their cocks swell, making everything feel too tight and locking the three of us together as the world burns around us. My magic comes roaring back. Swirls of pink dance with the red and black flames around us and it’s a mesmerizing sight.

Panting, I close my eyes. I can see our magic dancing together. Solid bands of red, pink, and black weaving in and out of each other. They are tying themselves tighter and strengthening the connection into something that can never be broken. Even if we are not physically beside each other, our magic can no longer be torn apart. I can still see gaps, tiny threads connecting me to the other three men, and the twins’ magic is leaving room for them, but nothing else can come between us, and not even the others can separate me from the twins.

A small smile plays on my face as my body calms down. The twins pull themselves out of me, and the two of them work together to get my clothes and shoes back on. I’m going to have to find somewhere to wash, because I can already feel how sticky I am. Not to mention the layer of dirt from falling into the pit. Slowly, I blink my eyes open and look around. The pit is silent now, no hissing, no slithering bodies. Glancing around as the boys set me on my feet, I see that all that's left of the snakes is ash. I snap my fingers, and the light I tried to create before comes to life. It’s different though. Instead of it being a simple ball of light, it dances in my palms like flames on a log. Twisting around my fingers and reaching out to graze against Cerise and Onyx.

Onyx moves to my left side, Cerise on my right, both of them holding my hands. I thought the magic would go out when Onyx grabs my hand, but if anything, it only got stronger. Now both of our arms are glowing, casting the pit in a flood of light. We look around, trying to see if there is something in here that would explain why there’s a giant hole in the middle of the woods, or why the hole would be filled with deadly creatures. I know if I weren’t blessed by the Goddess, then those snakes wouldn’t have been as calm as they were. If anyone else would have fallen in, they would be dead.

“Do you know how we’re getting out of here?” Cerise asks, he’s much calmer now than he was before and I smirk.

Guess awesome sex in the middle of a viper pit would have anyone in a good mood.

“Magic, Cerise. Magic.”

With those words, I focus on my magic and teleport us back to the others. I honestly should have been a bit worried I wouldn’t be able to take the twins with me, I’ve had trouble teleporting other people before, but it was almost easier to use my magic now. It could be that my magic bound them so closely that it no longer recognizes them as separate from me, but I can’t be sure.

We appear on the path behind Glavior, who is staring down into the dark hole. From up here, I can’t see the bottom, which means they wouldn’t have been able to see what happened in the pit. Onyx couldn’t see us when he jumped down, he would have known that Cerise wanted to mate me because of their twin bond, but he probably had no clue that there were Goddess Vipers in the pit. Foolish pup.

“How the fuck are we going to get them out?” Glavior growls, apparently he hasn’t noticed that we are right behind him.

Dree turns away from the pit, moving so he can talk to Glavior. His eyes latch onto mine when he turns and a smile lights up his face for a second, then his eyes wander down my body and his eyes pop wide. It’s probably the most I’ve seen of his eyes in the entire time I’ve known him. He glanced over my shoulders, where the twins both bit me, then down my arms before his eyes met mine again.

Glavior notices where Dree’s attention is because he snaps around to face us too. It doesn’t even look like his feet moved because he does such a uniform aboutface. His gaze travels down my body too, and just like Dree he looks shocked. The difference is that when Dree caught onto what happened, he looks smug and a bit pleased. Glavior looks grumpy. I’m not sure the man knows how to look any other way if I’m being honest.

Movement to my left has my attention moving away from the grumbling Orc and I see Syrinox’s hands moving. I’ve gotten really good at reading Nox’s sign language and can sign almost as fast as he does now.

What the fuck? You guys mated? In a pit in the middle of a forest?

“Is that a real question or just you bitching?” I ask, pulling my hands away from the twins to cross my arms under my breast.


Rolling my eyes, I don’t bother answering him. I’ve gathered over the week of traveling with Syrinox that he doesn’t want to mate. Not that he doesn’t want me, but something is holding him back and I’m not going to force the issue. I have mates now, and it seems that at least Dree is interested as well. Glavior is hard to read sometimes, but again, if he doesn’t want to be my mate then I won’t be upset … Okay, maybe I’ll be a little upset, but he won’t know it.

Not saying a word, I start walking again, wanting to find a stream and not really giving a shit about their opinions on me and the twins being mated. Glavior is moping, grumbling and growling under his breath, but he follows me shortly after the twins do.

I can see from the corner of my eye that Dree and Syrinox are signing back and forth. I'm a bit curious about what is being said, but eventually, Syrinox throws his hands up in the air and stomps after us. I’m not sure what has his panties in a wad, but he needs to get the fuck over it or this trip is going to be a long one.

Chapter 15

We walk for the rest of the day, watching as the sun fades behind the tree and the forest around us grows darker, the sound of water is the only reason I stop. I feel disgusting right now and really need to hop in some kind of water to rinse off.

“Where are we right now?” Turning, I look at Dree who enchanted the map to the Keep to mark where we are.

Pulling the parchment out of his bag, he lays it flat on the ground and the six of us gather to look. Our marker is sitting right beside the Lagoon. We only have a short while, maybe a day or so, until we are passing by the Slum then it's only a day and a half walk to the Keep. The twins kneel down beside me, both their arms touching mine, and Glavior growls again, I roll my eyes, but ignore the man. His displeasure is not my concern, though it is starting to piss me off a bit.

“I say we rest here, we can bathe in the lagoon then in the morning, keep walking the shores until we’re past the Slums, then we can cut back in and head straight for the keep.” I move my finger along the map, showing them the route I’m talking about. Dree is nodding along, but he seems to be the only one paying attention.

The twins and Glavior are snipping at each other, and Syrinox seems very distracted staring at the lagoon on the map. I lock eyes with Dree who was watching the guys like me and I tilt my head, asking what in the ever-loving fuck is happening right now. I know that they are guys and over the last week, they have had a few arguments here and there, but this is different. Syrinox looks like he may be having some sort of traumatic episode and Glavior is just being an ass, something I’ve come to learn isn’t really him. He is grumpy and he says things that sound mean, but they are actually usually pretty sweet. Backhanded compliments are his love language.

Not willing to put up with the bitching anymore, I stand up and grab my pack, walking towards the lagoon. I’m going to bathe and take some time away from the men before I lose my gods’ damn mind. I start walking to the water, but Dree’s voice stops me.
