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“What the fuck? How in the actual shit will mating help us in this situation, you perv?”

Cerise clears his throat and shuffles his weight from side to side. He is clearly a bit uncomfortable, I just can’t tell if he is unhappy with the plan, or unhappy with the thought of actually mating me.

“When a hound mates, they magically mark their mate. When the bond forms, a burst of Hell Fire releases and leaves a mark on the mate. The burst of Hell Fire will kill the snakes, then you can use your magic to get us out of the hole.”

By the time he finishes his plan, his voice is so quiet I can barely hear him. I guess it makes sense, but I don’t want to mate him like this. I don’t want his life to be dependent on mating me. It should be his choice, not something he is forced to do to get out of a shitty situation.

“No, you won’t decide to mate me because your life depends on it. We’ll find another way.” I shake my head, turning my back on him so he can’t see how hurt I am.

Fine, so I might actually want to mate him, and it may, just a little, hurt that he only suggested it to get away from a pit of deadly vipers, but I won’t let him know that. I’ve done a lot in my life, a lot of bad evil things. I don’t expect nice warm things like finding mates to happen to me.

Cerise walks closer to me, not that I had gone very far. He wraps his arms around me and leans down so his lips brush against my ear as he whispers his words to me. Chills travel up and down my body.

“Little Moon, I’ve wanted to mate you since I saw you in the forest that night, covered in blood and talking to a pretty bird on your shoulder. Mating you will be nothing less than spectacular. It's just a bonus that our union will kill these belly dwellers so we can get out of here.”

My face flushes, though I know he won’t be able to tell with my black skin. Gooseflesh pebbles on my arms and heat bubbles in my lower belly. Desire blazes a path through my body and I feel so hollow and needy as Cerise’s hands rub my lower belly, his fingers dipping dangerously close to the place I need them. All week long, I’ve been with the guys, enduring Nox’s obnoxious sexual innuendos and the twin’s flirting. I’ve listened to Dree explain all kinds of mating rituals in finite detail.

“Please, Little Moon. Please say you’ll mate with me.” Cerise begs, his lips skimming against my neck.

I don’t know what to say. My body feels like it’s on fire as he smooths his long fingers over my skin. He is so warm, the heat bouncing off his body growing hotter with every stroke of his skin against mine. His lips trail down my neck, then back up again before lightly scratching his teeth on my jaw right by my ear.

His fingers tug on the ties of my pants, slowly undoing them. My breath seems to rip from my chest, deep heaving gulps of air pulled in and huffed out as he dips his hands into my pants. His fingers brush against my pussy and my body shakes in anticipation. There’s no going back now, We’re completing this bond right now.

The tips of his fingers brush against my wet core but my groan is covered by a deep growl that morphs into a scared shout. Something lands hard beside us, sending the snakes slithering in a frenzy and more hisses ring out around us. My eyes are closed tight, and with Cerise still gently stroking my pussy, I don’t bother opening them to see what happened. That is until more hands start touching my body.

“Little Minx, did you think you could mate with my brother without me?” Onyx’s tri-layered voice echoes out around us.

It’s a bit creepy, hearing all those tones reverberate off the walls around us. It almost blends into the angry hissing around us. I’ve all but forgotten about where we are as Onyx cups my breasts in his hands. Desire floods my mind and It takes every ounce of will power left in me to stop myself from ripping off our clothes and demand they give me pleasure.

“We’re a package deal, if you mate one, you mate the other.” Cerise whispers in my ear, sending more pulses of pleasure down to my core.

The guys undress me, taking off my shirt and pulling down my pants as far as my boots will allow. I’m nude, trapped in a pit of Goddess Vipers, with no magic … but I’ve never felt happiness like I’m feeling right now with the twins’ hands on my body.

Chapter 14

Onyx leans down and seals his lips to mine. He kisses me like I’m the reason for his existence, and I fucking let him. Cerise’s fingers finally dip down and rub my clit. It feels amazing! I moan into Onyx’s kiss and press my hips back against Cerise’s hips. Onyx keeps playing with my tits, pinching my nipples and twisting hard enough to be right on that line of pleasure and pain. Somehow the two morph into one feeling.

“God!” I gasp, pulling my lips away from Onyx’s.

My body is tingling, every nerve on edge, aching for release. I groan when Onyx moves his lips down the front of my neck, sucking and nipping. Down, down, down he goes until his lips circle my nipple and he sucks hard. I swear I can feel the pull of those lips on my pussy.

“Someone better fuck me right now or I’ll kill you both!” I growl, getting too worked up with all the teasing. I need them, need to feel their hands on my body, their dicks inside of me. I may not have been sure I needed mates before, but at this moment, they are all I need.

“Can you take us both, Little Moon?” Cerise asks, shoving two fingers inside of my pussy, stretching me by spreading his fingers inside me and moving them in and out.

I can hear how wet I am, my body as desperate for them as my mind is. Even my heart is starting to fall, and I’m not doing a damn thing to stop the feeling bubbling to the surface. I know I tried to fight it, I know I said I didn’t want mates, but now that they are here, in front of me … I can’t deny that I long for them. I want all of them.

My brain feels fuzzy, clouded with desire, but I nod my head at his question. I’m a pixie, our bodies adapt to everything. It’s part of my magic, and why I’m not bothered by the distinct size difference between me and some of my mates. I was literally made to take them, and I want these two now.

The boys don’t wait for any more confirmation. Cerise pulls his fingers from inside me and pulls me up off the ground by my waist. Onyx drops to his knees and takes off my boots before sliding my pants down my legs. He stacks my pants on top of my shoes then smirks up at me from his knees. The brothers’ gazes meet over my shoulder, then Cerise moves his hands from my waist to my thighs, spreading me open in front of Onyx’s face.

Onyx doesn’t waste a second. He buries his face between my legs, his tongue swirling over my clit before dipping into my pussy. He groans and the vibrations of the sound damn near makes me come. I throw my head back, moaning into the darkness of the cave as Cerise bites down on my neck. He doesn’t break skin, but the intent is implied by the pressure.

My legs shake as Onyx licks my pussy, the edge of orgasm moving closer and closer. He moves one of his hands off my ass and brings it up to pinch my nipple. I go flying. My body quivers as I come on Onyx’s lips. I huff out all the air in my lungs, screaming his name as I pull more in.

Onyx jumps to his feet, bringing his lips to mine. I can taste myself on his tongue and it drives me wild. I feel the blunt head of Cerise’s dick nudging at my entrance and I squirm, desperately trying to shove myself down onto him. Onyx backs up and my gaze moves down his body to watch him untie his pants. They fall down his hips and I moan as Cerise sinks all the way into me as I stare at his brother’s dick. Onyx’s dick is so unique, and as I notice small details, Cerise slowly moves his hips back to slide out of me and it’s like I can feel all of what I’m seeing as I see it.

Onyx’s dick isn’t long or really thick, it's pretty average if I’m being honest, but there are rings around his shaft. The further down they go, the thicker they get and I can feel them inside of me as Cerise slowly pushes back in.
