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“Nox wants to know where you are going.”

Turning, I see the Siren signing to Dree, occasionally stopping to point in my direction. He is clearly worked up about something. He went from almost comatose to agitated in seconds.

If you’re going to the Lagoon I want to come with you. Syrinox signs to me, already standing up.

“Why?” I’m a bit confused. Nox has gone through great lengths to make sure we aren’t alone together and now all of a sudden he wants to see me naked? I mean, I’m not opposed to naked time with any of the men I’m traveling with, but I always thought he would be the last one to want it.

Not to fuck, Astrate. I don’t trust the water, it makes me nervous.

Rolling my eyes, I don’t bother arguing. I just wave a hand dismissively and keep walking. I can hear Nox rushing to follow me, only slowing down when he is half a step in front of me. He keeps his head on a swivel as the trees give way to smooth sand and crystal blue water, he seems to be looking for something. The birds chirp and the setting sun seems to shine brighter on the water. Small, smooth rocks line the edge of the water and the sand, making the shore line colorful. Pinks, blue, purples … all kinds of colors of rocks. I put my bag down and undress, not really caring if Nox looks or not. I can hear the creatures that live in the lagoon splashing and playing, a calm smile spreading on my lips. I walk into the water, going so deep, I’m covered up to my chest with the warm water. Leaning back, I wet my hair, slicking it back before floating on my back and soaking in the water under the dying sun's rays.

My eyes are closed, but I can feel someone in the water beside me, hands meet the skin of my back, and I smirk, keeping my eyes closed. I knew Nox wanted the bond, even if he fights it. I don’t see a reason to rub it in his face, so I just relax into the touch. The hands press harder into my back, claws digging into the skin. My eyes fly open as I’m pulled into the depths.

What once seemed like peaceful, clear blue water, now appears dark and deadly. I’m dragged deeper, evil cackling laughter surrounds me and my lungs burn for air as I thrash around, trying to get free from the hard grasp. A loud splash has whoever or whatever holding me letting go. I see Nox swimming my way, but he looks so different. His legs are fused together in a beautiful blue and green tail. His fingers look more like claws, than fingers and his eyes glow bright blue. His lips are forming a fierce scowl. Blue and green scales pop up on his arms, chest, and neck randomly, shining in the water like reflective lenses.

Whatever creature just let me go suddenly grabs me again as I start swimming to Nox. An eerie voice surrounds me in the water and chills shoot up and down my spine.

“Hello, big brother.”

Turning, I see a man that looks almost exactly like Nox, but instead of the blue and green colors that look beautiful on my siren, he is covered in purple and black. His eyes shine with a black light that radiates pure evil.

“What’s the matter, witch got your tongue?” The new man chuckles, clutching me to his chest.

My lungs are on fire, my head spinning as black dots dance in my vision. I’m running out of air. I’ll drown soon if I can’t break free and get to the surface. But my body is weak and my limbs move weird under the water. I can’t seem to get enough leverage to break the man’s grip. My eyes flash to Nox, desperation and a bit of fear in my gaze.

Nox puckers his lips, blowing into the water. An air bubble floats towards me and surrounds my head, giving me air that I desperately need. I want to say thank you, but the man still holding me starts to laugh, his claws digging into my arm. I see red in the water and know I’m bleeding. Nox narrows his eyes on his brother, apparently.

“What is this? Does big bad Syrinox finally have a weakness? A mate perhaps. I bet mother would love to chat with her, hmm?”

Nox’s hands start flying, his face full of hate and anger.

I should only hope she shows her face with Astrate around. I know that she wouldn’t stand a chance against my mate. Besides, can mom even swim anymore? My counter curse should be set in by now, Daemon.

Daemon growls, his fingers loosening on my arm enough for me to break away. I swim as fast as I can to Nox, the bubble he put around me staying on my face. He wraps his arms around me as I get close, his eyes scanning my entire body. I nod my head, hoping to let him know I’m fine, before turning in the water to face his brother. There are a few dozen water creatures around him, Kelpies, water wisps, and elements alike, floating around watching the brothers face off.

“Yes, well she is doing much better than Ursallis, isn’t she?” Daemon smirks at Syrinox’s flinch and growls.

I’m not sure what is going on, but clearly, these two do not get along and Nox hates his mother. There is some deep history and hatred between them and I’m a bit scared to see how this is going to go. I want to help Nox, but I have no clue how. Suddenly, Nox opens his mouth and the most beautiful melody falls from his mouth.

The song is hauntingly beautiful. His tone is deep, and the words enchanting. The power that Nox controls is unbelievable. I watch as all the creatures around us, even Daemon, freeze, their eyes are glassy, dazed. Syrinox swims closer to Daemon, still singing. Daemon doesn’t fight or try to get away, he floats there, a small smile on his lips and eyes fogged over, as Nox slides a claw across his throat. Daemon’s eyes widen and he snaps out of the trance as blood starts to pour from his throat. Nox and Daemon lock gazes as the man dies in front of us, Nox still singing, a cruel smile on his lips even as the melody floats through the water. Daemon dies, his body sinking to the bottom of the lagoon and Nox stops singing.

The creatures that once seemed so interested in the scene now looks confused. One by one, they all swim off, no longer interested in us. Nox rushes back to my side and holds me in his arms as he swims to the surface. Even as I gulp in deep breaths of fresh air, he doesn’t let me go. He rests his head on my collarbone and seems to be trying to calm himself down. I run my fingers through his hair, the lock silky and smooth as they move over skin.

“Nox, what was that?” I ask, quietly, not wanting to push him, but dying to know what exactly just happened.

He moves back in the water, his hands coming up to sign.

My family is not a good one, Temptress. My mother was the leader of an evil coven of witches, she was a siren who learned witch magic and they followed her word like law. She tricked my father into sleeping with her, faked a mate bond then left him when she confirmed she was pregnant.

Holy shit, his mother is a fucking cunt. I vow, right then and there, that if I ever met this woman, I’ll kill her. I haven’t even heard about the bad shit she did to Nox, and I want to kill her.

She had me, Daemon, and Ursallis, triplets. She raised us to be just as wicked as she was, but Ursallis and I knew better. We saw all the evil she did and wanted nothing to do with it. Daemon was different. He wanted the power she had, craved her approval and her love.

Nox shakes his head, still seeming a bit confused about why his brother would choose his mother’s love over what was right. I get it though. Sometimes, the wrong choice seems like the best thing to do. Love, even evil tainted love, is more appealing than being alone.

When we turned 18 , Ursallis and I escaped, but not unscathed. Mother caught us leaving and cursed us both. She took my ability to speak and Ursallis’ ability to hear. We were both left less than we deserved to be. We fled to a community on land, the Druids. I met Dree and he helped me protect my brother.

Nox’s body starts to shake, tears roll down his eyes, even though no sound is made. I know that the worst of the story is coming, so I wrap my arms around his waist and hug him tight from behind as I watch over his shoulder. A splash pulls our attention and Dree swims over to us, he cups Nox’s hands between his and slowly moves them around my body, telling Nox to hold me.
