Page 49 of Undeniably His

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“It’s nice to meet you,” Jane said as Clara shook her hand and smiled warmly.

“Lovely to meet you as well. How do you know Amy?”

“Oh, well, I…”

Jane trailed off as Clara gave her a curious look.

“She works at the company,” Amy said.

“Wonderful. What do you do there, Jane?”

“She’s Luke’s PA,” Amy said.

“Delightful,” Clara said.

“Jane and I pampered ourselves this afternoon, and I told her she should come for dinner.” Amy pulled off her boots.

“Of course. The more the merrier,” Clara said. “Your father and brother are in the living room. Take Jane in there, and I’ll bring you a cup of tea to warm you up. Do you like tea, Jane?”

“I do. Thank you,” Jane said. She followed Amy to the living room, biting at her bottom lip. She wished she had worn something a little more flattering than jeans and a T-shirt. She smoothed her hand over her hair as they walked into the room. Luke sat on a small loveseat with a beer in his hand and didn’t look up from the football game he was watching on TV.

“Hi, Dad.” Amy leaned down and kissed the cheek of the grey-haired man sitting in the recliner.

“Hi, honey.”

“Dad, this is my friend and new roommate, Jane. Jane, this is my dad, Gary.”

Amy’s dad tore his gaze from the TV and smiled at her. “Hi, Jane. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too,” Jane murmured.

“Lukie? What’s wrong?” Amy asked.

Jane could feel a hot blush rising in her cheeks when Luke studied her hair with a strange look.

“Nothing,” he said hoarsely. “Uh, hi, Jane.”

“Hi, Luke.” She started for the armchair that was in the corner. Amy brushed past and plopped her curvy body into it before grinning at her.

“There’s a spot next to Luke, Janie.”

Feeling more self-conscious than ever, Jane sat next to Luke. The loveseat was small, and she smiled nervously at Luke when her arm brushed his.


“It’s fine,” he muttered before shifting away. He stared at the TV and took another large swallow of beer as Amy watched them with bright interest.

“How was your day, Ames?” her father asked.

“Good. Jane and I went to Manuel’s and had pedicures and manicures. We also got our hair done. What do you think?” She smoothed her hand over her blonde hair.

Her father smiled at her. “You look great.”

“Thanks. Janie got a cut and colour. It looks fantastic on her. Don’t you think, Luke?”

He didn’t reply, and Jane stared at her lap as Amy said, “Luke? What do you think of Jane’s hair?”

He cleared his throat and, without looking away from the TV, said, “It looks nice.”
