Page 50 of Undeniably His

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“Nice?” Amy rolled her eyes. “It looks amazing.”

Jane pulled at a loose thread on her jeans. Obviously, Luke hated her hair, but why did that bother her so much? What did she care if her boss liked her hair or not? Luke shifted again on the loveseat. He was nearly hanging over the arm at this point, and she tried not to take it personally. Her boss was very kind to her and helped her when she needed it. But that didn’t mean he liked her or they were friends. In fact, keeping a strictly professional relationship with him was very important. She needed to keep her job. Mama J needed her to keep her job. It was time to toss her dumb crush on him out the damn window and definitely stop thinking about how he might look naked. That was only asking for trouble.

* * *

Jane washed her hands and peered at herself in the mirror over the bathroom sink. She touched her hair, thrilled again at how soft and smooth it was, before leaving the bathroom.

It didn’t matter that Luke didn’t like her hair, she told herself. What mattered was that she liked it. It was ridiculous even to wonder if he liked it.

Lost in her thoughts, she nearly ran into the very man she couldn’t stop thinking about. She caught herself before she smacked into his broad chest and smiled at him.

“Sorry, I was woolgathering.”

“That’s fine.” He stood in the middle of the hallway with his big body blocking her path as he stared again at her hair.

She touched the ends of her hair. “So, your mom is a great cook.”

“She taught me everything I know,” he said with a ghost of a smile.

She chewed on her bottom lip. Luke hadn’t spoken two words to her all evening, and despite sitting across from her at the table during dinner, he hadn’t looked at her either.

“I’m sorry for intruding on your family dinner,” she blurted out. “I told Amy I shouldn’t come, but she insisted. It won’t happen again.”

He didn’t reply. Jane stared at his chest in awkward silence. She was close enough to feel the heat radiating from his body, and she stifled her urge to lean against him. She was always so cold. Luke could easily warm her up.

Yes, he could. In more ways than one, her mind whispered slyly. Why don’t you ask him to show you his childhood bedroom? A little slap and tickle would warm you up.

She shot that thought down with grim determination. God, what was wrong with her? Luke didn’t like her. Hell, his behaviour tonight indicated he didn’t want to be in the same room as her.

“I won’t be in the office for the next couple of weeks,” he said.

“I know,” she said.

“I’m on a business trip to Paris,” he said.

“Yes, I remember,” she said, trying not to smile. “I booked your flights and hotel for you.”

“Right,” he said. “We’re thinking of going international with the clothing line, and I’m meeting with a couple of potential investors.”

This time, she couldn’t stop the smile. “Yes, I typed the proposal for you.”

“Right,” he mumbled.

Luke was acting so strange. She had never seen him this flummoxed, and it was a little adorable. As a flush rose on his cheeks, she said, “Have you been to Paris before?”

He nodded. “A few times.”

“Oh. Two weeks seems like a long business trip.”

“I’m also taking a week's vacation,” he said. “Paris is one of my favourite places, so…”

She smiled at him. “Good for you. It’s been so busy lately that you deserve a holiday.”

“Thanks,” he said. “I’ll email you any work stuff I need done. Mark will cover for me while I’m gone, but I will be available by email and text even when I’m on vacation.”


He didn’t say anything else, and she gave him another awkward smile before trying to scoot past him. His hand closed over her arm, sending a jolt of adrenaline through her veins.
