Page 48 of Undeniably His

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“I’m pampering myself and getting my nails and hair done.” Amy eyed Jane’s hair. “You should come with me.”

“Oh, that’s nice of you, but I think I’ll pass.”

Earlier this morning, she’d reworked her budget. Living with Amy meant she had more disposable income, but she couldn’t waste that income on things like getting her hair done. She didn’t even have to work at the club anymore, but she wouldn’t quit. She would need that extra money if living here didn’t work out. For now, she would put the money from the club into her savings account. A nest egg would come in handy in case things went sour.

“C’mon, it’ll be fun,” Amy said. “It’s my treat.”

“No, definitely not,” Jane said. “You don’t need to spend your money on me.”

“Pfft,” Amy said. “I’ve got more money than I know what to do with. I like spoiling my friends. Say yes, Jane.”

“Amy, I…”

She was torn between her desire to do something fun and her shame at being a charity case. She’d never had a manicure in her life, and the only reason her hair was so long was because she hadn’t gone to a hairstylist in years.

“You know you want to,” Amy wheedled. “Please?”

“Okay, if you’re sure?” Jane said.

“I’m positive.” Amy took another few sips of coffee before standing. I’m going to have a quick shower, and then I’ll text Manuel and tell him there will be two of us at the salon today.

She squeezed Jane’s arm. “This will be fun. I promise.”

* * *

“Amy, I can’t go with you,” Jane protested.

“Sure you can. Besides, I don’t have time to drop you off at home.”

“There’s a bus stop right there. Pull over, and I’ll take the bus home.”

“It’s cold, and you’re not even wearing a hat and gloves,” Amy said. “You’ll turn into a popsicle waiting for the bus.”

“I can’t go to your family dinner,” Jane said.

“Why not?”

“Because your parents aren’t expecting me, and it’s a family dinner.”

Amy turned right and drove down a tree-lined street with craftsman-style houses. “We always have random people at the family dinners. My mom believes the more, the merrier. Stop worrying, Jane. Besides, I want you to meet my mom. She’s going to love you.”

Jane thought that was odd to say, but she stayed quiet as Amy made a few more turns until she pulled into a driveway and shut off the car. Like the others in the neighbourhood, her parents’ home was a craftsman style.

“Oh, good. Luke’s here already,” Amy said. “I wanted to talk to him about some work stuff. You’ll have to distract Mom while I do. She has a strict ‘no work talk during family time’ rule.”

Jane’s stomach twisted nervously, and she self-consciously touched her hair. Manuel had taken one look at her hair and nearly fell over in his hurry to get her into the salon chair. She had thought she’d only get it cut, but he and Amy had also insisted on a colour. Even she could admit that the dark brown with red highlights was a much better look for her than her natural mousey brown. Manuel had cut three inches from her hair, adding a few layers to frame her face until it brushed her shoulders. She loved how light and bouncy it felt but wondered if Luke would like it.

“Your hair looks great, Janie,” Amy said as they climbed out of the car. “I still can’t believe you’ve never had a manicure or pedicure. It’s one of life’s greatest pleasures.”

“I did enjoy it very much.” Jane followed Amy up the steps to the porch.

Amy opened the door, and they stepped into the narrow hallway. They hung their coats in the closet as a blonde-haired woman popped into the hallway. Amy was the spitting image of her, and she gave the woman a hard hug.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Hi, honey. How was your day?”

“It was good. Mom, I’d like to introduce you to Jane. She’s my new roommate. Jane, this is my mom, Clara.”
