Page 100 of Undeniably His

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“You can’t stay late. Amy and I are meeting Pierre and Julien at seven for dinner, and you’re coming with us.”

“I can’t do that,” she said. “it’s inappropriate, and besides, I’m visiting Mama J after work.”

“I’ll drive you to see Mama J. We have plenty of time to visit her before dinner,” he said.

“It’s not appropriate, Luke,” she said. “I’m your assistant not…”

He reluctantly let her go and took a step back. “Exactly. You’re my assistant, and I might need you at this work dinner. You may have to take notes if they want to discuss work. I’ll pay you overtime.”

“It’s work related.” Her face suggested that she didn’t quite believe him.

“Yes, so bring your laptop. All right?”

“All right,” she said.

“Good.” He returned to his desk and checked his email as Jane filed. He tried to concentrate on his work, but his gaze kept flickering to Jane. God, she smelled so good, and her ass looked fucking amazing in that skirt. He glanced at the couch before checking his watch. He hadn’t fucked Jane on the sofa yet, and today was his last chance. Both Wednesday and Thursday, he’d had multiple fantasies about bending her over the back of the couch, lifting her skirt and sliding into her while she moaned his name.

His dick was as hard as a rock again, and he was about to lock the doors and coax Jane into a quickie when Mark walked into his office.

“Hey, Luke.”

He tried not to glare at his best friend as Jane slid the last folder into the cabinet and smiled at Mark as she headed for the door.

“How are you, Jane?”

“Good, how are you?”

“I’m good.” Mark sat on the couch and stretched out his long legs as Luke watched Jane cross his office. She shut the doors, and he sat back in his chair before turning to Mark.

“What’s up?” He could hear the irritation in his voice.

Mark raised his eyebrow at him. “I wanted to see how the meeting went. I’m assuming not well, or are you pissed for some other reason?”

“I’m not pissed,” Luke said.

“You sound pissed,” Mark replied.

“I was thinking of convincing Jane to have a quickie in my office until you came strolling in.”

Mark laughed. “Bad timing on my part. Sorry, man.”

“It was a bad idea anyway. I need to be professional,” Luke said.

“Boring,” Mark said. “Anyway, how did the meeting go?”

“They still haven’t fully committed.”

“Then why the hell did they come to the office?” Mark said.

“Honestly, I have no idea what’s going on in their heads, and they’re easily distracted.”

“What do you mean?”

“They were flirting with Jane, and when I walked into the boardroom, both were touching her.” Luke’s face darkened with anger as Mark grinned at him.

“Beating up potential investors because they flirt with your woman is bad business practice.”

“She’s not my woman,” Luke said as his email dinged. He turned and stared at his computer screen. “Besides, the minute Amy walked in, they forgot about Jane. It was more than a little disgusting to watch them hit on her. She didn’t seem to mind all that much, but -”
