Page 101 of Undeniably His

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“They were hitting on your sister?” Mark said.

“Yeah.” Luke clicked on the email. “They were all over her. I’m surprised they even invited me to dinner tonight. Pretty certain they’d rather spend all their time with Amy.”

“They’re having dinner tonight with Amy?”

Mark’s voice sounded strange, and Luke swivelled in his chair. “What’s wrong?”

“Amy’s having dinner with them tonight,” Mark repeated.

“Well, we’re having dinner with them – I’m taking Jane in case I need her to take notes or something - but I won’t be surprised if they try and convince Amy to go back to their goddamn hotel room with them. Jane told me that they told her they share their women. That they won’t even fuck a woman unless both of them are -”

“I’m going to dinner with you,” Mark snapped.


“What time and where?” Mark said.

“You want to have dinner with us?”

“Yes,” Mark said irritably. “If it’s a business dinner, I should be there. Don’t you think?”

“Uh, sure,” Luke said.

“Good.” Mark stood up and stalked toward the doors. “Text me the time and address.”

He left the office, and Luke shook his head in bewilderment before returning to his computer.

* * *

“Amy, you look amazing,” Jane said.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Amy stood beside the coat check. Luke took Jane’s coat as Jane stared at Amy. The blonde wore a form-fitting, dark green dress that hugged her curves and showed off a generous amount of cleavage.

“Thanks, Janie.” Amy handed her jacket to Luke before smiling at Jane. “You look lovely as well.”

Jane laughed. “I’m still wearing my work clothes, but thanks.”

As Luke took their jackets to the coat check, Amy said in a low voice, “Do you think it’s too much?”

Jane shook her head. “No, that dress is beautiful on you. Julien and Pierre won’t know what hit them.”

Amy blushed. “I didn’t wear it specifically for them.”

“Did you wear it for Mark?” Jane asked.

Amy stared at her. “Why would you say that?”

“Luke mentioned that Mark was coming to dinner tonight, and I thought…”

Jane chewed at her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I’m being an idiot. Forget I said that.”

“Mark’s coming for dinner?” Amy’s face had paled.

“Yes. You didn’t know?”

“Luke didn’t mention it.”

“Luke didn’t mention what?” Luke joined them and rested his hand on Jane’s lower back.
