Page 99 of Undeniably His

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Amy glanced up. “Who’s not dating?”

“Nothing, never mind. I’ll see you at seven.”

He left her office and headed back to his. Jane was sitting at her desk and smiled at him when he stopped beside it.

“How did it go?”

“Fine,” he said. “We talked a lot about our plans for the new website design and how we would incorporate a more seamless shopping experience for our customers. They still haven’t given us a final answer, but that’s probably because they were too busy flirting with Amy.”

Jane laughed and picked up a stack of file folders on her desk. “They are very handsome and charming. I was with them for nearly twenty minutes before you showed up, and they were a little relentless in the flirting. Would it be all right if I filed these in your office, or do you want me to wait until you’re out?”

“Go ahead and file them now.” Jealousy had flooded through him when she said Pierre and Julien were handsome and charming.

She hesitated at his tone but walked into his office. He followed her and shut the doors as she opened the top drawer of his mahogany file cabinet. She had just finished stacking the folders on top when he turned her around and yanked her into his embrace. He took her mouth in a hard kiss, squeezing her ass with one big hand as he pushed his tongue past her lips. She moaned and returned his kiss. The taste of her, the feel of her ass filling the palm of his hand perfectly, made his cock harden, and he ground it against her. He pulled back and stared at her swollen mouth and flushed cheeks.

“What was that for?” she said.

“Did you like it when they flirted with you?” he asked sulkily.

“You’re jealous,” she said.

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.”

She didn’t reply, and he scowled at her. “Fine, I’m jealous. But in my defense, women love a man with an accent.”

She giggled. “You think I’m going to drop you for Pierre and Julien just because they have an accent?”

“Pierre and Julien?” he said.

She shrugged. “They share women and won’t have sex without each other.”

His mouth dropped open. “How the hell do you know that?”

“You can learn a lot about a person in twenty minutes, especially when two men delight in talking about themselves. Now, let me go – I need to finish this filing.”

“Jane,” he said anxiously, “are you interested in them? Do you want to sleep with two men at once?”

Now, it was her turn for her jaw to drop. “Did you just ask me if I wanted to have a threesome?”

“Do you want to sleep with Julien and Pierre?” he said.

“Of course I don’t,” she said. “Luke, what has gotten into you?”

He pulled her closer and pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Nothing. I only wanted to make sure you remembered that you have plans with me for the weekend.”

“I haven’t forgotten.”

“Good.” He nuzzled her throat. “I’ll make you forget all about those French bastards.”

He thought that would make her laugh, but she cupped his face and gave him a serious look. “I don’t want to sleep with them. I know it’s not serious between us, and we’re finished after Sunday, but I still wouldn’t sleep with another person while I’m sleeping with you.”

His stomach churned, and he was surprisingly hurt by her statement that it wasn’t serious between them. He swallowed his disappointment and said, “I wouldn’t either, Jane.”

“I know,” she said. “I need to get this filing done, or I’ll end up staying late.”
